Took my dogs for a jaunt today and this was probably the best capture, some C&C would be welcome and appreciated.
D90 AF-S 55-200 f4-5.6 lens shot at 200 mm f8, 1/400, ISO 200
I like the image because I like the intensity of his face, I think his face in focus, maybe not as sharp as it could be, more sharp than fuzzy. I caught some snow flying so that gives the impression of some movement.
I tweaked the DNG file in ACR, upped the exposure a bit and I think I warmed the WB just a little. One pass of sharpening in CS4. I cropped it a bit, I didn't have anything to crop in back of him, but there was more space in front. Debating on cropping more in front of him.
When cropping, in CS4 I set the crop tool to keep the dimensions of the photo. Is this a good or bad practice, should I crop to the needs of the image regardless of the resulting dimensions? I'm foggy on the concept of aspect ratios (I think thats the term, and yes its on my to do list to research).
I'm really weak at capturing my dogs in action, things happen so fast, so for me today was about just getting out there and practicing (and coming home with two dogs

. I kept the camera at f8 and had the shutter release on continuous. I'm all ears for some basic do's and don'ts.