Helpful Posts:
19th November 2010, 11:07 AM
19th November 2010, 03:35 PM
Re: Wood Carving
These gave me the horrors!

I was cast back to 1963, in woodwork class at school, which I loathed. In fact, as I recall it, I dropped a wooden mallet (is that the right term?) on the wood-work teacher's head one day. He claimed it was deliberate, and I didn't say anything. My protestations to games and woodwork teachers.. "But, Sir, I want to be an intellectual when I grow up...", fell on deaf ears, and were probably rewarded with a clip around the ear.
These shots are good though (now I've overcome the cold sweats). They are good record shots, nice details, and well exposed. I like shots of people at work. Perhaps we should have a monthly comp on that theme?
19th November 2010, 04:31 PM
Re: Wood Carving
Tell me about it...the dreaded dovetail joint and the smell of old milk and wood shavings. I was so distracted at in GED (Geometrical and Engineering Drawing) that I was sent every lesson to the woodwork room to sand graffiti off the drawing boards. Met my old GED teacher when accompanying one of my girlfriends on one of her 6th form dos. He had plenty to say about the long hair and bike leather..."I knew you would come to nowt lad"...you could have knocked him down with a feather when I told him I was training to be a designer/engineer
Anyway I was not to sure about the movement captured in these images but on second viewing I actually think it adds to them. Nice work again Peter
PS. You need to convince some yoofs to learn these skills...not that you don't all look youthful....well compared to Rob at any rate
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