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Thread: Shorncliffe Jetty (HDR)

  1. #1
    Edwin Harvey's Avatar
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    Caboolture, Queensland, Australia.
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    Shorncliffe Jetty (HDR)

    This image was taken with my Canon 5D Mk2 & Canon 17-40F4L lens. It's at a popular photographers landmark called Shorncliffe, which is near Brisbane. As per usual, I edited this image with Photomatix pro.

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 26th June 2010 at 12:42 AM.

  2. #2
    neverhood311's Avatar
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    Re: Shorncliffe Jetty.

    Very nicely done. I love the bit in the foreground with the stones and where it meets the water. Very nice color gradations and overall feel. May I ask how many exposures you took and the shutter speeds, and if it was handheld or not?

  3. #3
    Edwin Harvey's Avatar
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    Caboolture, Queensland, Australia.
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    Re: Shorncliffe Jetty.

    G'day Justin & thanks for your comments. I'm still feeling my way around this technique & appreciate your critique, so that if I'm doing something wrong I can try to correct it. I used a tripod, as I always do to shoot this type of image. I used manual setting, cloudy white balance, two stops under, two over & one neutral, ISO 100 & f16. I hope this was useful information to you?..........Happy shooting.

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