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Thread: post your 'mirror' shots here

  1. #1

    post your 'mirror' shots here

    Post your mirror shots here. You must take the original image from your camera and mirror it in Photoshop, or whatever editor you use. No reflection shots allowed. If you don't know how to do it, read on. There are probably other ways to do this. I'd like to hear if you have a better method. Flowers can work well, also some group people shots - the 'best' side of your partner mirrored to make them perfect all over! But you may need to avoid hairlines as it won't look symmetrical.

    1. Take a shot (that was easy!) It often helps to get the subject at an angle to get a freaky shape.
    2. Edit image in normal way - exposure, colouring, cloning etc. You may need to crop the shot first to get a suitable join line.
    3. Select all of the image and copy - CTRL/A and CTRL/C in PS.
    4. Go to canvas size in PS and double the width or height (but only one of them, depending on the orientation you need). You need to specify just one side for the size expansion. Your shot will now look something like this...

    post your 'mirror' shots here

    5. Do a paste of your previous selection (CTRL/V)Your paste will create a new layer. It will now look like this...

    post your 'mirror' shots here

    6. With the layer selected, go to EDIT/TRANSFORM/FLIP HORIZONTAL. Don't use IMAGE/IMAGE ROTATION or you will flip the whole shot, which you don't want. Move the flipped layer and reposition it to the left/right, or whatever until the edges align. If you exactly doubled the canvas size this should fit perfectly. The finished result should be like this...

    post your 'mirror' shots here

  2. #2

    Re: post your 'mirror' shots here

    I'll do the first one. This is called 'Tea for two'. It's just an ordinary chrome teapot shot at an angle, then mirrored as I detailed above.

    post your 'mirror' shots here

  3. #3

    Re: post your 'mirror' shots here

    Same technique but blurring the 'reflected' image.

    post your 'mirror' shots here

    post your 'mirror' shots here

    And a genuine reflection (for completeness)

    post your 'mirror' shots here


  4. #4
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: post your 'mirror' shots here

    So I tired it - sort of the way you said, I use paint shop and not photo shop so the steps are different and it wouldn't let me "move" the image.
    So I tried the "mirror" effect the program has - I haven't quite got it, but this did turn out sort of cool...I like the heart shape it made!! (maybe because I'm "female"...)

    I'll keep working on it...but ran out of here's mine so far.

    My son's Drum:
    post your 'mirror' shots here

  5. #5

    Re: post your 'mirror' shots here


    If you crop the red shoe at the bottom of the sole/heel and do the method I suggested you will get a perfect mirror image. Want to try it? It's a good shot you have there.


    I like the drum, and the heart shape is just the result I was referring to when I said take the shot at an angle.

  6. #6
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: post your 'mirror' shots here

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post


    I like the drum, and the heart shape is just the result I was referring to when I said take the shot at an angle.
    So my wrong steps turned out right??? LOL

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