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Thread: 1960s architechture

  1. #1
    veloman's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    SW England

    1960s architechture

    1960s architechture

  2. #2

    Re: 1960s architechture

    Don't get me started on 1960's architecture, let alone 1970's architecture!

    OK, your shot is a fine example of retro architecture which is aping the art-deco movement of the 1920's which in turn is aping the Greek classical....

  3. #3
    veloman's Avatar
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    SW England

    Re: 1960s architechture

    By golly Rob that picture sent you off on a tandem,sorry I meant tangent..I'll see if I've got a few more pic's of buildings for you .Only joking ,love to see emotional responses,much better than no response at all.


  4. #4

    Re: 1960s architechture

    Quote Originally Posted by veloman View Post
    By golly Rob that picture sent you off on a tandem,sorry I meant tangent..I'll see if I've got a few more pic's of buildings for you .Only joking ,love to see emotional responses,much better than no response at all.

    OK, I'll be serious. How about this monstrosity of the "Brutalist in your face School", just outside Gloucester. Vile, isn't it? This is a good idea for a thread. May I take it you don't mind others posting shots?

    1960s architechture

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: 1960s architechture

    Shouldn't that be "Fawlty"?

  6. #6

    Re: 1960s architechture

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Shouldn't that be "Fawlty"?
    Well, this place is up for sale, if you want to set yourself up as a 21st century Basil!

  7. #7
    veloman's Avatar
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    Re: 1960s architechture

    Rob,Please feel free to expand the thread with other pic's.I love the irony of them boarding up that building,they should have left the vandals in to eat it away from the inside.Having said that ,the square tower and the pitch of the roof reminded me of some Italian old churches I've seen.


  8. #8

    Re: 1960s architechture

    Quote Originally Posted by veloman View Post
    ...the square tower and the pitch of the roof reminded me of some Italian old churches I've seen.

    You must be drinking better quality vino than me!

  9. #9
    veloman's Avatar
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    Re: 1960s architechture

    1960s architechture

    Not a million miles away in style and propotions Rob,perhaps you went to Little Italy in Cardiff (I knew it was'nt the wine)


  10. #10

    Re: 1960s architechture

    Quote Originally Posted by veloman View Post
    1960s architechture

    Not a million miles away in style and proportions Rob,perhaps you went to Little Italy in Cardiff (I knew it was'nt the wine)

    I see what you mean - there is a similarity in general style. I suppose there is nothing original in the world!

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