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Thread: Flowers at the Met museum of Art

  1. #1

    Flowers at the Met museum of Art

    Flowers at the Met museum of Art

    I'm wondering what you think. Someone else arranged the flowers and put them there. I just saw the light and took the pic. Is it "valid"? Is it pleasant to look at (you know what I mean)? Technically how is it? Thanks!

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    2 penny for the guess..

    Re: Flowers at the Met museum of Art


    I don't know why, but something is distracting me in this picture. Maybe the flowers are too big, or too many... but I like the colors/contrast of it.


  3. #3

    Re: Flowers at the Met museum of Art

    Quote Originally Posted by LeoLeo View Post

    I don't know why, but something is distracting me in this picture. Maybe the flowers are too big, or too many... but I like the colors/contrast of it.

    ...or too bright or too small or SOMETHING. I can't figure it out either. Also, I needed to move about two inches to the left (I can't really get it straight.)

    Thanks for having a go at it, Leo.

  4. #4
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers at the Met museum of Art


    One thing I notice it that the shot is close to symmetrical but just barely misses on a couple points. First - you already caught that the whole thing needs a bit cropped off on the right side. But also certain aspects of it are lighted differently.... for example, the first scrolly round part (not sure what to call it, but it is about the height of the top of the flowers on both sides) - you'll notice that the one on the left is much brighter than the one on the right. I think with something so symmetrical, that varied lighting throws it off a bit (for me at least). Same for the shadow coming off the whole thing on the left, but bright on the right. I know you weren't lugging a ton of gear with you on your trip, but perhaps a reflector or some fill flash could have returned that balance a little.

    Aside from that, I think it is an awesome shot. I like the completely black shadows behind the flowers - it helps to really make the flowers stand out.

    Also, what do you mean from "Is it valid?"?

    - Bill

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