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Thread: CS5 And Old Files

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Virginia Beach, VA USA
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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    CS5 And Old Files

    When I try to open some old files in CS5 frequently a window pops up that says PS can't open the file because it is not a PS document? If I copy and paste the file to a new folder it will then open? Does anyone know why this is?

  2. #2

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Hi Mary,

    If it's buried too many folders deep then this problem can occur (there's a limitation of "how many characters from C:\" you're allowed to go). Sound like a possibility?

  3. #3

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Mary,

    If it's buried too many folders deep then this problem can occur (there's a limitation of "how many characters from C:\" you're allowed to go). Sound like a possibility?
    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. These would be in 'my pictures' in Windows and would be some of the very first folders within 'my pictures'... so maybe?

  4. #4

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    I think that what Colin means is that if the files are in a sub folder within a sub folder within a sub folder etc or other complicated address line there may be too many characters in the address. So the full address can't be found.

    Alternatively, what software created those files? CS5 should open most common formats but some older or special format files from previous non Adobe software might not be recognised.

    Does that make sense? Or to put it another way, every software company uses it's own unique native format which usually isn't recognised by other software. In fact in a few cases, some older file types of the same brand of software may not be supported by the newest version.

    In that case, it would be quite possible that an Adobe programme wouldn't recognise these files.

    Which is why there are universal formats like Jpeg, Tiff, etc. But with some software, unless you specifically ask to Export the files they will automatically be saved as the native file format. For example, if I am using Serif Photo Plus and I 'Save' a photo it is automatically saved as a SPP file, which wouldn't be recognised by an Adobe programme.

    To save as a universal format I would have to first select Export.

    But now I am 'going all around the outside of the house instead of using the door' to use a UK expression so I hope some of this makes sense; or perhaps someone can explain it better.

  5. #5

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I think that what Colin means is that if the files are in a sub folder within a sub folder within a sub folder etc or other complicated address line there may be too many characters in the address. So the full address can't be found.

    Alternatively, what software created those files? CS5 should open most common formats but some older or special format files from previous non Adobe software might not be recognised.

    Does that make sense? Or to put it another way, every software company uses it's own unique native format which usually isn't recognised by other software. In fact in a few cases, some older file types of the same brand of software may not be supported by the newest version.

    In that case, it would be quite possible that an Adobe programme wouldn't recognise these files.

    Which is why there are universal formats like Jpeg, Tiff, etc. But with some software, unless you specifically ask to Export the files they will automatically be saved as the native file format. For example, if I am using Serif Photo Plus and I 'Save' a photo it is automatically saved as a SPP file, which wouldn't be recognised by an Adobe programme.

    To save as a universal format I would have to first select Export.

    But now I am 'going all around the outside of the house instead of using the door' to use a UK expression so I hope some of this makes sense; or perhaps someone can explain it better.
    Thank you, Geoff. I have no idea if that is it or not. All of my pictures folders are in the same section and the older ones are all jpegs. It's weird in that if I simply copy the image and then paste it in a folder in the same section then it will open. I am totally clueless. Hmmm... I'll have to fiddle with some more and see what I can figure out. Computer 'stuff' is not my thing... cakes, cookies, cooking... that I am darn good at.

  6. #6

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Hi Mary,

    Yes - what Geoff expended on is what I was getting at, but it sounds like that isn't the problem

    All I can think of is doing a bit of "googling" or signing up for the Adobe forums. The other option is resetting your prefs (hold down ctrl+shift+alt as you start Photoshop), but be aware that this will reset EVERYTHING, including any saved actions; it's probably your best chance of success though.

  7. #7

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Mary,

    Yes - what Geoff expended on is what I was getting at, but it sounds like that isn't the problem

    All I can think of is doing a bit of "googling" or signing up for the Adobe forums. The other option is resetting your prefs (hold down ctrl+shift+alt as you start Photoshop), but be aware that this will reset EVERYTHING, including any saved actions; it's probably your best chance of success though.
    Thanks, Colin.

  8. #8

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    Thanks, Colin.
    Hi Mary, (spoken in a deep barritone voice, without accent)!

    You're welcome

    Did it work?

  9. #9

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Just another thought, Mary, and I may also struggle to explain this one.

    Have those files become accidentally unavailable due to their status being changed. For instance, are they now 'Read Only' or something like that.

    I get a warning sometimes which says 'You don't have permission to open this file'. Well you can probably guess what my reply is! Talking forceably to a computer does make me feel better.

    And another thought, are you trying to access these files using the Open command or are you going through Bridge?

  10. #10

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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Talking forceably to a computer does make me feel better.
    I find it's like talking to teenagers - no matter how logical our argument, it still doesn't make any difference!

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: CS5 And Old Files

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Just another thought, Mary, and I may also struggle to explain this one.

    Have those files become accidentally unavailable due to their status being changed. For instance, are they now 'Read Only' or something like that.

    I get a warning sometimes which says 'You don't have permission to open this file'. Well you can probably guess what my reply is! Talking forceably to a computer does make me feel better.

    And another thought, are you trying to access these files using the Open command or are you going through Bridge?
    They look like all the other files... they are just older. It's really strange. All the properties look correct etc. I have no clue. I use the 'open' command. I haven't used Bridge at all, yet.

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