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Thread: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

  1. #1
    GlenM's Avatar
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    Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    Some of you may remember a while back that I mentioned that my wife inherited a 1970 Zorki 4 Rangefinder.
    Last week, we took it on holiday with us and gave it a go at last.

    The Zorki is a Russian copy of an even older Leica design, and is pretty basic! No lightmeter built in, so with my level of experience of manual settings it was touch and go whether anything would work. One short wait for developing later, and it all turned out fairly good.

    I would love to take credit for these shots, but my wife took them!
    Feel free to comment anyway, she won't mind


    Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    I think they have come out well, Glen, particularly as they were shot into the light.

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    Nice shots, its always fun using a camera you're not day-to-day familiar with - makes you think about what you're doing a little more.

    Any idea who did a Reginald a car?

  4. #4

    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    These photos are spectacular! to use a film camera can be difficult, and to be able to get the perfect moment can also be hard. i love how the clouds appear, the blue sky and sunlight make the photo very beautiful. i like how in the first photo the boy is looking up in the sky and the light surrounds him in the back, it looks so peaceful.

  5. #5

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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !


    Very nice picture. I liked the first one very much, the ligh over the boy staring at the sky is great.

  6. #6
    GlenM's Avatar
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    Thanks for all the kind comments.
    My wide took the pictures (with a bit of calling over from me with 'it's a bit bright, try 1/500' as we were working without a light meter, and no fancy electronics to help!) and she was very pleased with the comments.

    The boy in the picture is our youngest son, who still is at an age where he loves having his picture taken (unlike our eldest - as seen for a rare photo in my 'teenager' post)

    Any idea who did a Reginald a car?
    Well, there were no cars washed up in the next tide I guess it beats walking into the sea - might as well have a seat and the aircon and radio on!

  7. #7
    Apo's Avatar
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    I think the aesthetic quality of a film photo cannot compare with the enhanced digital, but these images are spectacular of conveying the viewer, like it, well done Glen.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    My wide took the pictures

    You are in big trouble, Glen.

    Has anybody considered that those tracks could have been caused by aliens coming out of the sea? Now that would be a photograph!

  9. #9
    GlenM's Avatar
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    My wide took the pictures

    You are in big trouble, Glen.
    Oh dear! If only when I had missed the 'f' I had gone one key further along and hit the 's' instead of the 'd'...

  10. #10
    maja mars's Avatar
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    Re: Spring Sunset - on film not digital !

    2 Nice Pictures. I love the first one,because there is a human-bean in a good setting, nice colors to

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