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Thread: B&W Techniques

  1. #1

    B&W Techniques

    I went out this morning and took a couple shots so I can play around with B&W in PSE6, Im not sure that I like it, I may have over sharpened it some. How can I improve on this and how would you have done it?
    B&W Techniques

    B&W Techniques

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: B&W Techniques

    That works reasonably well, Mark, particularly the bridge; but I think you have a tricky subject for B&W conversion to start with.

    Even in colour, there is little difference in tone between the pillars, riverbank, river and trees. So that is bound to cause problems with a monochrome image.

    I would be tempted to try a bit of selective brightness in the dull areas. Once again, using layers and masking will probably be the easiest route. But other people may have other ideas.

  3. #3
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Techniques

    I think you did very well on the processing. The contrast looks fine, so does the tonal range. I think If I did the conversion, it would turn out about the same.
    I think the downside of this shot is the composition: The left pillar is large and doesn't fit in with the rest. I think the bridge would be much more interesting because of the triangle structures and the contrast on this due to the sunlight.
    For me the composition would look better if you'd taken the shot from a little higher position and maybe a bit more to the right so there would be more emphasis on the structures of the bridge and therefore more depth in the shot.

  4. #4
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: B&W Techniques

    Quote Originally Posted by JK6065 View Post
    I think you did very well on the processing. The contrast looks fine, so does the tonal range. I think If I did the conversion, it would turn out about the same.
    I think the downside of this shot is the composition: The left pillar is large and doesn't fit in with the rest. I think the bridge would be much more interesting because of the triangle structures and the contrast on this due to the sunlight.
    For me the composition would look better if you'd taken the shot from a little higher position and maybe a bit more to the right so there would be more emphasis on the structures of the bridge and therefore more depth in the shot.
    Very nice and objective suggestions, Jeroen. I seconded that.

  5. #5
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Techniques

    You don't say what method you used to do the initial conversion to b & w Mark, but to my eyes you have ended up with too much black overall.
    I would use the Channels mixer to convert. Forgive me if this is knowledge that you already have, but by using channels (check the monochrome box - usually bottom left) you can subtly change the look by adjusting the red, green and blue channels. A good guide is to make sure the values add up to 100.
    Seeing that you have darkened the skies I used settings of Red +50, Green +66 and Blue -16 to get a balanced image with a good spread of tones. With that as a starting point you can then selectively lighten or darken, increase or decrease contrast and sharpening.
    Give it a try.

  6. #6
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Techniques

    Thanks Jiro,

    Mark, I think you'll find this thread useful. It's a tutorial thread for BW conversion that Rob (Carregwen) did after my request. It's what got me starting travelling the black and white way.

    If you have any questions, just ask. I'll answer for sure

  7. #7

    Re: B&W Techniques

    Thanks for the info
    I used the layers palette for the levels adjustment along with a Gradient Map layer, im using Elements 6 so I dont have the Channels as in CS. These where kinda quick shots, I had my Boxer down at the river letting her burn off some energy, but I do have a couple more shots more to the right that I can mess with.
    Il go back later whe I have more time with a tripod with time to think of what I want to do.
    Thanks again

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