"Epic Failure!" is a catch phrase that my 13 year old son likes to use and I thought that it expressed my feelings, towards my attempt at catching this ice storm, nicely. What did I do wrong?
My feeble attempt at editing in iphoto:

AV 1/50 -1 exposure compensation (I'm not sure why - I think that it was just washed out without it) f22 30mm ISO100 pattern metering
orginal (maybe, better than edit?):
I'm sorry to be such a sponge (really, I'm trying to figure out my questions on my own).
We're possibly getting more ice this weekend. (Although, you would
think that it would be snow, considering that the temperature, this morning, was 1℉, which is -17.2222222etc.℃)
Is this a case for a filter? If so, which one would you have used? There was so much light, everywhere and the storm cleared out in a matter of minutes with a high wind that quickly knocked most of the ice off. I just didn't have time to figure it out. Also, it seemed that the best views required shooting in the general direction of the sun. There was just a field behind me. Is it easier if the sun is behind you when trying to take one of these shots? I, also, wondered if it would have been easier if I could have gotten out there while it was still cloudy.