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Thread: C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
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    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour

    Hello all,
    I am a new comer into the world of DSLR photography.
    For long time, I was a user "Auto" mode in my P&S camera and frankly quite lazy to shift the button to try the other advanced modes . Anyways, I had to do it once and since then I am forever searching for all new knowledge, techniques, information in this vast world of photography. Subscibed to so many mailing groups, forums and sites to grab whatever knowledge I can gain.

    Some of my photographs are here:
    Since I still have normal eye sense to photo ["wow.. for all photos"] and have not yet developed a photographic eye sense , most photos I have taken or selected taken would be looking amateurish to all experts here.
    Also no idea of post processing tools as of now and so all photos are straight from the camera. For me normal photo editing tool is MS paint and the advanced photo software is Irfan view and Picasa. . Lately learned little bit of HDR and started using Photomatix, created some not-so-perfect HDR photos using same.

    I would love to have experts here give comments for my photos, mistakes I made, steps to improve the same and any response would be deeply appreciated.

    Happy to be part of this forum. See you all...


    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour

    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour

    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour
    C&C request and Hello all at Cambridge in Colour

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Hello to all at Cambridge in Colour


    Welcome onto the CiC forum. Glad you've decided to join up and I hope you stick around for a while.

    You'll already have seen, I hope, that this is a place dedicated to learning and to supporting each other as we strive to improve our knowledge and skills.

    That's a very good set of pictures coming straight out of the camera. Have a look at the tutorials and techniques pages (click Photography Tutorials at the top of the page) and you'll start finding a whole range of topic areas that will help you develop your skills. But the other great resource is this forum. Ask questions and you'll get sensible answers (most of the time).

    But before doing so, have a read of the introductory notice here. That will help you get started on CiC.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Hello to all at Cambridge in Colour

    Thank you. Will check out all the tutorials and techniques.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello to all at Cambridge in Colour

    Hi Hari,

    I have moved this thread to a comment and critique forum for better chance of responses

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ...

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