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Thread: From Florida Keys

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    From Florida Keys

    These are taken, I guess at the worst time of the day, with my new Canon 5D MKII!
    Exif data embedded.


    From Florida Keys


    From Florida Keys


    From Florida Keys


    From Florida Keys
    Last edited by Alis; 28th December 2008 at 07:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: From Florida Keys

    Hi Sedali,

    Nice simple compositions without distracting backgrounds, well done.
    Lucky chap, is it good? (the 5D II)

    Looking at the sun angle, since you mentioned it, reminds me what nice weather you have there at this (or almost any) time of the year compared to here
    [although I shouldn't grumble this week, bright but blooming cold]

    I was lucky enough to "have to" visit a manufacturer in the Miami area with my job in Nov 2006

    I found the 'Floridians' (if that's the collective term) very friendly and helpful, ah, must return one day.

    Happy New Year, Dave

  3. #3
    rhermans's Avatar
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    Re: From Florida Keys

    congrats with your new toy

    great shot's, nr1 is for me the most interesting,
    nr3 is a composition I wouldn't use but started me thinking, so thanks for that one.

    Enjoy the holiday season


  4. #4
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: From Florida Keys

    Thanks for the comments.

    I love this new one, I had the Rebel XTi for exaclty one year and obviously for (use Powershot P&Ss always before the Rebel) this one is a huge upgrade. I have used it only for about 2 weeks, so there is a lot to discover...

    I live in Boston myself, Rustyshutter, and am back to the same old cold winter weather of the New England. I think you are right about the Floridians though.

    About the pictures, this guy was very fast, changing position every second, so I did not have a chance to change aperture, and that is why the background is completely blurred.

    Here is another one:
    From Florida Keys

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