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Thread: Emma and Halloween Friend

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Emma and Halloween Friend

    This is a photo I took of my Granddaughter with her new friend at Halloween. Please feel free to provide C&C.
    Thank you, John.

    Emma and Halloween Friend]
    Last edited by JohnW; 27th November 2010 at 01:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Emma and Halloween Friend

    Hi John,

    I think for critique, it helps to provide a larger image -

    Emma and Halloween Friend
    This one displays here at 700px wide, but if clicked shows at Flickr's Large size (1024px)

    As to the shot; it avoids a lot of the usual problems quite well and thanks for providing a link to the metadata.

    Shot at 1600iso, it is obviously noisy and for this kind of subject, you can almost get away with it, except it doesn't look so good on her skin, where this shows. I'd try Neat Image.

    Can I ask if you had the Active D-lighting switched on? (in camera)

    There are a few things I'd clone out to further simplify the image;
    a bit of costume sprouting from her wrist
    the (un)vertical dark strip behind the Halloween friend both above and below his head.

    All said though, it is a good composition and you did well to get an angle where her eye was illuminated through the mask, it makes all the difference.

    Emma and Halloween Friend

    I had a quick play, I did as I suggested, but also removed some of the reflections between the eyelines of the two subjects and on hat, plus gave it a sharpen at 1024px - about 5-6 minutes.

    In the CiC Lytebox (click image), you can flick between the two to play 'spot the difference' with Next and Prev links.

    Hope that helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 27th November 2010 at 11:56 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Emma and Halloween Friend


    I think Dave's done a good job on what was, in the first instance, a very creative and imaginative image. Can't think of anything to add to what Dave has said/done.

  4. #4

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    Re: Emma and Halloween Friend

    Hi Dave, thanks for the tips and pointers. I will check out Neat Image and see what that is all about. The shot was taken spur of the moment and shot hand held, iso was in the auto mode in camera. Active D-Lighting this was also set to OFF in camera, should it be turned on? I am still learning what all this means. Thanks again for the comments they are really helpful.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Emma and Halloween Friend

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnW View Post
    Active D-Lighting this was also set to OFF in camera, should it be turned on? I am still learning what all this means.
    OK, that's good, I just thought I saw an artefact (of it being on).

    I leave mine switched off, as although it is supposed to improve dynamic range, it can spoil a shot under certain subject conditions.

    Glad to help,

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