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Thread: Photo editing software?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Photo editing software?

    I'd like to know what some of you are using and how you like/dislike them.

    I have a bit of a problem as I have 2 pc's, one at home and one at work. Both have different OS's. Home is Vista 7 and work is XP.

    At home I have just the software from Canon and FastStone Image Viewer 4.2, but at work I have PS7(won't load on Vista 7 d/t it being a burnt copy).

    I was hoping to run one program on both pc's and don't mind spending a few bucks, but don't want to deplete the retirement fund if you know what I mean.

    Again, thanks.

  2. #2
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    I have Lightroom 3 and PS CS4 on both my laptop (which runs Vista) and my desktop (which runs XP). I'm doing more and more in Lightroom, but I always take the pictures into Photoshop at the end, so I can do the final tweaks and save. For some reason I don't like the export-save feature on Lightroom. I think if you forced me to choose one, I'd choose PS (with Bridge), but I really do like Lightroom too.

  3. #3

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Thank you Elise.

    Did you have to buy 2 versions of each to run on 2 pc's or was one version of each good for multiple pc's?

  4. #4

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Unfortunately this is one of those questions which doesn't have an easy answer.

    Adobe Photoshop is without any doubt the most popular brand worldwide, but it doesn't suit everybody and there are many versions of Photoshop available.

    The free Gimp software also has many dedicated followers.

    But a lot of the decision will come down to exactly what you want to do in the way of photo processing. For example, do you just want to give basic tweaks to your photos or get involved in more detailed editing? Do you want to work with layers and semi transparent masks?

    If you already have PS7 then the obvious choice would be PS8 or the new 9 which I think includes several additional items.

    I use Serif Photo Plus X3 and it does everything that I need. Recently I tried their new X4 version but I didn't like it so I gave that one away and reverted to X3. X4 is OK but I thought it was aimed more at the 'point and shoot beginner market' and the more automated workflow didn't suit me. Photo Plus is realistically priced at somewhere around £70 which I think is good value.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    See my response in the other thread in which you posed the question, here.

  6. #6

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Geoff, Donald. thanks kindly for the replies.

    As it turns out, I may be able to retrieve my PS7 by looking into the back up of my old pc on the new one. Man I'm somewhat computer-dumb...DOH!!!!

    I also have the PS7 manual that I bought, but my god that thing is worse than the Bentley manual for any car!!!

    I typically don't do too much editing, maybe a bit of colour enhancement, re-sizing and sharpening. I'd prefer to work on my photo skills and capture what is meant to be seen, just like when we shot with film.

    But again, you're knowledge and wisdom(all on the CiC forum) will be put to good use.

  7. #7

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    UPDATE!!! and hopefully something to share with this great community.

    It turns out the program will load into my pc, but the problems is it won't start due to the scratch discs being full. After about an hour of research on Google, it turns out the problem is more than likely caused by my HD. Apparently anything over 1TB will cause this error, so all I need to do is have the HD partitioned and all should be well.

    This would be well received as now I can spend money on more camera gear and not another "not so needed" editing program.

  8. #8
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Most people use Photoshop is a statement that anyone could agree with, not that everyone likes this. I personally use GIMP with UFRaw to develop raw files. I have tried Photoshop and personally don't like the interface (though I like the tools).

    GIMP is not currently any better, thouth hopefully it is getting a major user interface update with the upcoming major edition.

    If anyone needs tips for GIMP I would be happy to help.

  9. #9

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Invest in Photoshop, learn to us it. You will grow into it as you go and your photography will improve as well. It has some quirks ~ it isn't prefect, but there are reasons why it is the world standard, why so many tutorials are written for it, why so many excellent plug-ins are available for it. You can buy an older version and then upgrade it as you get more proficient. Nothing, simply nothing can compare to Photoshop for capability and versatility.


  10. #10
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Quote Originally Posted by David deSousa View Post
    Nothing, simply nothing can compare to Photoshop for capability and versatility.
    We could have a debate about that.
    Last edited by Donald; 19th November 2010 at 08:21 AM.

  11. #11

    Re: Photo editing software?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    We could have a debate about that.
    Well, we could son, we could... but you would lose!

  12. #12

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    "due to the scratch discs being full" - my experience with PS scratch discs suggests that they're stored in the "Temp" folder, and that it must start off empty. so if you have anything in that folder, move it someplace else. If you have a second drive then so much the better - putting the main scratch disc on a physically separate drive to the OS will help a lot. Using a partition on one drive won't help, btw.

    i've never tried PS7 on Vista, but have used PS6(from c.2001!) and it worked OK.

  13. #13

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    We could have a debate about that.
    I would be glad to debate my assertion that Photoshop is the most capable and versatile photographic editor. I will not argue it being the easiest to learn, however. To begin with, name one thing that cannot be done in Photoshop but which can be done on something else.

  14. #14

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    But, David, you are obviously talking about the full, and expensive, version of Photoshop not some of the earlier versions of Elements.

    I am thinking about the full Photoshop before the UK VAT tax (sales tax) increases in 6 weeks but I'm not sure that I would fully use, or understand, everything that is available in the full version; and my current software copes reasonably well with what I currently require.

    I remain to be convinced that I would seriously benefit from spending around £500 on software, even if it is the best available.

    But maybe, if Ernie is good to me next month.

    ps. Ernie - a UK investment that pays monthly interest on a random basis, which can vary between 0 and £1,000,000. (Best that it has paid me so far is £100)

  15. #15
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Quote Originally Posted by David deSousa View Post
    To begin with, name one thing that cannot be done in Photoshop but which can be done on something else.
    Do you have the equivalent of the GIMP's Wavelet Sharpen?

  16. #16

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    I use GIMP - as far as I can tell does just about everything PS does - and it's free ! It is certainly enough for the limited processing I do and the manipulations I sometimes do for a competition on another site.

  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    AFAIK, the most fundamental shortcoming with GIMP (correct me if I am wrong) is that it is only 8 bit, like (most of) Elements.

    For 16 bit, you need Photoshop CS

  18. #18

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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Do you have the equivalent of the GIMP's Wavelet Sharpen?
    Ah, yes I do. "Wavelet Sharpen" is not a voodo phrase. Smart Sharpen, USM, or high-pass are not the only sharpening tools available in Photoshop. Plus there are sharpening plug-ins that do almost every conceivable form of sharpening. Does GIMP have Fade USM?

    Here are two very good explanations of how wavelet (Laplacian) and unsharp masking work.

    I would pit a three-pass high pass sharpening procedure over Laplacian any time. We could have a mini competition!

    Yes, the full blown PS is expensive. And indeed GIMP is free. That is a very sobering difference which should be carefully considered. But sharpening is an art in itself that goes way beyond functions and plug-ins.
    Last edited by David deSousa; 21st November 2010 at 05:14 AM.

  19. #19

    Join Date
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    Re: Photo editing software?

    Just got the PC back from having the hard drive partitioned and all is well. PS7 is working well and fully functional.

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