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Thread: Say Hello to Ashley

  1. #1

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    Say Hello to Ashley

    A few quick shots from today's shoot ...

    Say Hello to Ashley

    Say Hello to Ashley

    Say Hello to Ashley

  2. #2

    Re: Say Hello to Ashley


    I prefer #2 by quite a margin. The bokeh from the f2.8 is very nice. On the other two the background is a little distracting. In #3 the costume (jacket) looks good on her, and adds to the shot, I think. Clothes can make a difference on shots like this - I mean although you are loooking at the model you also note what they are wearing.

  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    No clothes makes a difference; yo won't believe this but when I was a little kiddy in a boys' grammar school I was taking photo's of the nude girl models, well actually they booked a bloke once and no-one turned up result detention. You have only got my word for it since we wasn't allowed to keep the pics.

    I would like to see some photo's of older girls, say in their thirties but still fit, without jewelry. cheers

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    Nice Colin,

    I agree with Rob about favourite and why (backgrounds).

    Additionally, I'm not sure about the pose/stare of the eyes in the last one.

    Hoping there'll be some more to see from the shoot as time allows,

  5. #5
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    loving number 2.her eyes really shine for me

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    Thanks folks,

    @ Rob & Dave - Interesting My favourite is #3 by a country mile - for an (almost) 16 year old I think it adds 10 years (in a nice way), and just has the look of happiness and contentment on her face, which is definately a "nice space" for her to be in. Technically I like the lighting - especially the light/dark transition running through the top left to bottom right diagonal. I'll probably print this one on canvas for my studio / gallery wall (after a bit of work to clean up a few stray hairs). I just got a text from her, and by the sound of it, she didn't do too well in her maths exam -- so perhaps I can spark a career as a model!

    @ Dave - shot over 600 frames, so I'm sure we'll find more for you Be warned though that my current style is changing slowly (hopefully for the better) in that I'm shifting slightly away from stock-standard cookie-cutter type portraiture, and more towards slightly more contrasty lighting and better integration with surroundings (otherwise all the portraits just start to look the same after a while). Probably why I feel that the first two shots are a wee bit on the "plain" side (if that's the right word for it) (that type of shot is as easy as ordering a beer in a pub).

    @ Arith - sounds like you had a bit of fun in your younger days I'd be more than hapy to shoot fit models in their 30's; unfortunately, I don't know any Anyway, it's been said (by me actually) that "you're only as old as the model you're shooting", and I really enjoy my time with Ashley (I've known her for ages) (and just for the record, her boyfriend was on lighting duty ).

  7. #7
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    Nice shots, again, Colin!

    I agree with you that number 3 is more non-traditional and I like it, the only thing is that I think she is looking too high, what is she looking at anyway?

    And if she is not that good at Math, tell her to try Medicine...

  8. #8

    Re: Say Hello to Ashley

    personaly i prefer the the third pic! the composition is comfortable to admire her! her expression is more pleasant and relaxed! and this pose surely enhances her pretty eyes to a great extant!....third picture is the one she shud treasure for life! the other two can be easily discarded

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