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Thread: DNG Support for windows 7

  1. #1
    bluesbrother's Avatar
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    DNG Support for windows 7

    I have tried the search but this is not working (see my threat about this)

    But what i need to know is is ther support for windows 7 for the DNG format. I like to see thumbnails in the windows explorer. I have only found commercial support. Is there an open and free add-in, codec or something like that ?

  2. #2

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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Hi Aldo: here are links to the same query which should answer your question.

    Viewing RAW Thumbnails in Windows Explorer

    Query Viewing NEF (Nikon) Files with IE version 8

    DNG,PSD...viewing enabled for Windows


    Edit: Sorry, I just read the threat post, and realize you may already have what you are looking for. I found these by searching the word codec. It was a bit easier for me though because I knew they were there. I'm sure there is another thread somewhere, but I couldn't find that one. Anyway the info in these should answer your question
    Last edited by ScoutR; 25th October 2010 at 04:54 PM. Reason: See Edit

  3. #3
    bluesbrother's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Thanks Wendy ! Codec why i did not thing of this.

    I have (speed)read your suggestions and could not find the answer to my problem. I guess it is just to use bridge for all my copy, move actions. Sometimes i like Windows Explorer better and then it would be handy if i could see the pictures thumbnails. But then i have to pay 15,- I paid enough for Adobe's stuff i believe. If there is a free DNG codec for windows i like to be in the know.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Hi Aldo,

    I can't help with the query, beyond (hesitantly) suggesting installing, but not starting, Picasa - it comes with a bundled RAW viewer codecs and I'd be very surprised if it didn't do DNG as well.

    When you're in a folder, right click a file and select Preview, it starts a Lytebox style filmstrip viewer which works on RAW files, including DNG - I just checked. But maybe that's not what you want either.

    As Wendy knows to her cost, if you run Picasa properly and carelessly click a button or two, it'll go off for hours indexing all the images on your computer - you really don't want to do that if you have bridge already.

    Have you tried looking on Adobe's site?

    Also, a little bit of info regarding searches here at CiC, by default, they don't work on 3 characters or less (afraid of returning too much I think) - now I thought we had something in place for catching the popular TLAs (three letter acronyms/abbreviations), I remember Colin and I coming up with a list that Sean had 'allowed', but it certainly doesn't work in Advanced Search for "DNG". We'll investigate.

    Hope all that helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 25th October 2010 at 06:22 PM. Reason: checked

  5. #5

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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesbrother View Post
    Thanks Wendy ! Codec why i did not thing of this.

    I have (speed)read your suggestions and could not find the answer to my problem. I guess it is just to use bridge for all my copy, move actions. Sometimes i like Windows Explorer better and then it would be handy if i could see the pictures thumbnails. But then i have to pay 15,- I paid enough for Adobe's stuff i believe. If there is a free DNG codec for windows i like to be in the know.
    Hi Aldo: Sorry, I just left the links earlier. I had to go out so I figured you could do the work.
    Anyway, long story short - I have been looking and have not found any FREE codecs.
    As Dave said you can view most RAW files in Picassa and it's actually pretty good. I know what you mean though about wanting to look quickly in Explorer. I guess a Mac is the answer. It you take the time to read the threads linked above, someone mentioned that with a Mac you can view all RAW and DNG file formats without any extra cost.

    There are some codecs available from Ardfry - I downloaded one to try out, it works fairly well, but I've found a couple issues, and in my opinion they are a bit expensive. I'm making do with Picassa.

    You can check out the Ardfry ones, I think they are all available as trials. Installation is easy and seamless, and I am now able to view the thumbnails for DNG in Explorer, HOWEVER, it does not show the large preview of the selected file like the Windows jpg "codec" does. So it's better than nothing but not perfect. AND DID I MENTION THEY SEEM KIND OF EXPENSIVE TO ME!!!

    Hope that helps - I feel your pain

  6. #6
    bluesbrother's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Wendy, your lovely. I guess there is now solution for my problem. I use Picassa and Adobe Bridge side by side.
    Depends on what i like to do. I Like them both. I was after the explorer preview possibility.
    I think it is strange (but true i have searched the net) that for an open standard like DNG there is no Free Windows support.
    Maybe I am to acustomed to the free stuff on the internet.

    Thanks wendy for feeling my pain.
    Thanks Dave.

    Bluesbrother / Aldo

  7. #7
    timo2's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Aldo,

    I can't help with the query, beyond (hesitantly) suggesting installing, but not starting, Picasa - it comes with a bundled RAW viewer codecs and I'd be very surprised if it didn't do DNG as well.

    When you're in a folder, right click a file and select Preview, it starts a Lytebox style filmstrip viewer which works on RAW files, including DNG - I just checked. But maybe that's not what you want either.

    As Wendy knows to her cost, if you run Picasa properly and carelessly click a button or two, it'll go off for hours indexing all the images on your computer - you really don't want to do that if you have bridge already.

    Have you tried looking on Adobe's site?

    Also, a little bit of info regarding searches here at CiC, by default, they don't work on 3 characters or less (afraid of returning too much I think) - now I thought we had something in place for catching the popular TLAs (three letter acronyms/abbreviations), I remember Colin and I coming up with a list that Sean had 'allowed', but it certainly doesn't work in Advanced Search for "DNG". We'll investigate.

    Hope all that helps,
    To search this (or any forum) you can often get better results by using google and their site switch. EG, use this string to search the forum for DNG:

    DNG site:

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by timo2 View Post
    To search this (or any forum) you can often get better results by using google and their site switch. EG, use this string to search the forum for DNG:

    DNG site:
    Hey that's pretty neat Tim!

    I wonder if it also helps raise the CiC profile at Google?

    Perhaps Sean could have a button that did that with the content of a search box? (almost instead of the vB4 functionality)

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 26th October 2010 at 11:54 AM.

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DNG Support for windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesbrother View Post
    I think it is strange (but true - I have searched the net) that for an open standard like DNG there is no Free Windows support.
    I agree, it does seem odd, you'd have thought it well worth Adobe's while, if they really support the open standard concept, to provide it to Microsoft FoC - not as if it needs updating often.

    Perhaps they do, but Microsoft don't want to include it as a free 'driver'.

    Bizarre, (and sad)

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