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Thread: Which crop?

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Which crop?

    This has a bit of architecture, some wildlife and might be described as a landscape, so I guess this must be the right forum

    Inspired to post here by Richard's Photos You Have Missed thread, here's one I often missed, but eventually bagged (after a fashion) - the mass take off of swans as they move from their overnight roosting areas up the river a few hundred metres to where the tourists feed them all day long
    This happens in waves several times in the morning as different flocks move upstream to the 'feeding grounds'.

    I started processing on the full image (as shot) and ended up with this, which is the scene I had observed some mornings driving past the bridge on the way to work.

    Which crop?
    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 70-300mm VR: 1/1500s f/8 at 165mm iso800 Av
    F11 and click image to see at 1500 wide

    But then I thought the swans were too distant/small, and the people on the bridge were a distraction (from the swans), so I cropped down thus;

    Which crop?
    F11 and click image to see at 1500 wide

    So, an open question to all, new or ancient members;
    Which picture looks best to you and why?
    Or is there another crop I have missed?

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    I think the peolpe are an intrinsic part of the shot, as it is they that have frightened the swans (presumably).
    Could you get away with less foreground such as this ... (forgive my cheek)

    Which crop?


  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    I like the top one best, I know. I like it because there is two subjects that go about doing their stuff without interfering with the other, or something like that.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    Thanks for that crop, I had a feeling there was something else 'in there'.

    The swans just tend to spook each other as they move closer together approaching the bridge, most prefer this centre span of three and, shall we say, have 'personal space' issues with each other. Once one takes to the air, others follow suit, and before you know it there are 6-10 on the wing.

    Also flying saves paddling against the current and gets them to breakfast quicker

    I'll perhaps add another shot later; but for now, Saturday and its daylight is moving on and so should I.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I like the top one best, I know. I like it because there is two subjects that go about doing their stuff without interfering with the other, or something like that.
    Yes, I know what you mean Steve, those few passers by that are looking down are doing so because of the noise the swans make getting airbourne, but most may be late for work, as it is 9:05 am and are ignoring it all.

  6. #6

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    Re: Which crop?

    Hi Dave: I'm not too keen on the panoramic look for this shot, and I do agree that the people should stay.
    My first thought was to crop so the group of 3 swans and the ducks would be to the front and right, of course this makes the bridge look like it's not supported, so although i like the grouping in that location, it doesn't work.

    Which crop?

    I ended up with something similar to Mike's crop, but I left the group in the foreground, and took out a bit of the sky. I think I would like this better if more of the sky could be cloned in with trees. Then the emphasis would be on the bridge and the swans.

    Which crop?

    As you will not doubt notice, I also did some bad cloning on this, and I used the "Shadows and Highlights" sliders in Elements to lighten the shadows a bit, Ummmm and I tried to brighten (dodge) the highlights of the wake of the swans that were taking off. I don't know how it will translate, and my apologies, but it's getting to be a sickness, and I didn't think you would mind.


  7. #7

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    Re: Which crop?

    Ok,I must confess that I should not push the button in such ocasion,but the problem is a good one.Below You see my solution(around 15min to reflect and 20min to work)

    Which crop?

    Thank You for the problem and for reading
    Radu Dinu

    PS 450mm are not enough

  8. #8
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    This is my take on it - get rid of the people, but leave the foreground for balance, the bridge supports and the "Keep well to the right" sign, which appears to give an instruction to the swans.

    Which crop?

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    Some interesting ideas here, my thanks to you all.

    Mike's is the most obvious alternative that I wish I'd thought of

    Anyhow, here's my latest version, which looks a lot like Wendy's, including cloning the van out (well worth doing).

    Which crop?

    I agree the excess sky was a waste of space.

    I have, what with the PAD, this and watching Bruce Willis save the world (again), run out of time to post another shot from the morning, but I will.

    Thanks all,

  10. #10
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    I am mixed with Mike's effort and your last one. Both work for me but I definitely agree the white van in the middle background must go as it keeps attracting my eye away from the swans.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ryan View Post
    I am mixed with Mike's effort and your last one. Both work for me but I definitely agree the white van in the middle background must go as it keeps attracting my eye away from the swans.
    Thanks Peter,

    I did tone the van down a few stops, even in the original, but it definitely needs to go!

    There is a car park the otherside of the hedge (I also cloned out the Pay Here sign), so it's anyone's guess what'll be there on any given day!


  12. #12
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Which crop?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Thanks Peter,

    I did tone the van down a few stops, even in the original, but it definitely needs to go!

    There is a car park the otherside of the hedge (I also cloned out the Pay Here sign), so it's anyone's guess what'll be there on any given day!

    I also noted the swans do not pay much attention to the sign on the bridge. Rebellious beasts.

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