Thanks for the feedback guys. Peter, I found those links yesterday, thanks. They explain it quite well, don't they. I should have explained, I use 32bit Photoshop as some of my third-party plugins only have 32bit versions, although if I'm not using them on a particular occasion I could run the 64bit Photoshop.
My graphics card seems to work well. The graphical features in Photoshop such as the grad tool in RAW are really smooth and easy now, compared to my old machine which made them very slow and jerky. I have changed the GPU settings to 'advanced' mode, and I have set the memory allocation to 100% in both versions.
My overall concern here was that having spent over £700 on a new processor (not inc monitor) I am getting the best out of it. I wondered about upping the memory to 8GB, but everyone I've asked seems to think that 6GB can 'run the world' as one engineer said yesterday.
I looked at the Windows Experience Index, and I seem to have a good score. Has anyone else tried this?
I ran MSCONFIG, but wan't sure what options you refer to. Here is the dialogue box I get.