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Thread: Woodland Sun

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Woodland Sun

    Sorry about the above posting hopefully this one contains the picture. Ha Ha I said I was a newbie. Sharon
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  2. #2
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Real Name
    Mark Fleming

    Re: Woodland Sun

    Hello sharon and welcome to the forums.

    I like this photograph, but you don't seem to be focused on anything in particular. Had there been a deer, a child at play or even a birdtable then it would have been a cracker. Instead it's just a clearing in the woods. Most importantly is do NOT be discouraged, get out there and enjoy! Trust me the crackers WILL come.


  3. #3
    Richard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Perth, Western Australia

    Re: Woodland Sun

    Hi Sharon,

    For a first post this is a very interesting shot - the clearing is nicely framed and the colours are very relaxing. Keep them coming.

    Cheers, Richard.

  4. #4

    Re: Woodland Sun

    Hi Sharon, welcome.

    I really love this picture. To me, it feels like I'm spying on nature, the branches in the foreground make me feel like I'm hiding, trying to see everything without nature seeing me.

    The center of the frame, the hole in the bushes, and the bright light feels somewhat like a "light at the end of the tunnel" effect, giving me the impression there's more to the picture, I just have to get out an look for myself.

    The sharpness however could use some adjusting, it's a tad fuzzy all around

    I'm a fan of nature, this really captures my attention.

    I know I'm really late with the response, I've been on a honeymoon, and then catching up with work

    Keep up the good work Sharon.

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