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Thread: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

  1. #1

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    First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    Thought you all might find this interesting ...

  2. #2
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    Very interesting thanks Colin.

    But in 20 years time we won't have cameras at all.

    We will have a single USB Type 8 connection (not yet invented) in our belly button - and we will dock for all our visual imaging to be uploaded to our brain, which of course by then will be "enhanced for digital".

    I liked point 6 the best - infinite DoF - but how will we do this:

    First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    On a more serious note - the Comment about "concept things" and where Canon thinks things are heading . . . maybe the Photographic Industry is under threat? Less Specialization more Congruence? ? ?


  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    I think I'll probably be worm-food before that one hits the High Street

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    Me thinks someone got carried away writing that guff, no respect for the fundamental laws of nature/science - I'll believe it when I see it! Bah, humbug ...

    But like Donald ....

  5. #5
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    To be honoust It doesn't sound worth cheering for to me and I'll explain why:

    These days about every single person in the world can make a photo. Everyone has a digital camera and making a photo is just a matter of *click*. Off course this is a convenient development and personally I don't think I was photographing that much at all if I had to pay for every single photo I shot (shooting analogue). But it makes (the art of) photography very underrated. Because everybody CAN make photographs does absolutely not mean that everybody IS a proper photographer.

    And adding these extreme camera features like a zooming range from wide angle up to 500mm or whatever, infinite depth of field, insane image stabiliser and simply film everything in extreme HD and take a still shot of it behind you computer at home would increase the don't-think-and-just-click way of (ordinary consumers) using a camera.

    Off course it's the man or woman behind the camera who makes the photograph and that's something you'll immediately see at the final photograph but camera's like the wonder camera takes away more and more of the needed craftsmanship and for me also and important part of why I like photography that much.

    And what would be next? A robot that goes to the place you want to shoot so you won't have to leave your comfy chair?
    Or just the ability to make a screenshot of an advanced 3d version of google earth so there is no reason to go out shooting whatsoever?
    Last edited by JK6065; 13th July 2010 at 01:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by JK6065 View Post
    And what would be next? A robot that goes to the place you want to shoot so you won't have to leave your comfy chair?
    Or just the ability to make a screenshot of an advanced 3d version of google earth so there is no reason to go out shooting whatsoever?
    Absolutely - isn't it great Jeroen; you are actually young enough to still be alive to 'enjoy' all these things when they come to reality

    And if it takes long enough, even you might be glad not to have to get up from your comfy chair

  7. #7
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: First Look - New Canon Concept Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    And if it takes long enough, even you might be glad not to have to get up from your comfy chair
    Well. Who knows grumpy old me would hate 'all those youngsters going out to shoot with their fancy cameras' than.

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