Good shots, Steve. The exposure seems well handled despite the bright snow. I see you used ISO100. I think on ISO200 you would have halved your shutter speed - say from 1/100s to 1/200s, although I see that one shot was at 1/320s. Were they moving very much? Nice set.
Thanks rob. I prob. should have raised the iso. It was ok at first and then things started to happen fast and i forgot. Too much to think about in a 1/2 of second, but i'm getting better at it.
I was shooting in aperature priority...........exposure lock>focus>composition> shoot........check histograms for exposure........i had plenty to keep my mind off the iso button.
They really weren't moving that fast, but the light was changing enought to slow the shutter speed down. They usually take their time in the deep snow.
Steve - nice shots, the last two especially for candid composition. Are they displayed in time sequence? I ask because I've noticed when I take wildlife shots that I seem to get better at capturing and composition as time goes by, as if I am literally getting my eye in. Maybe it's to do with relaxing and with understanding what the animals or birds are going to do, I don't really know. Anyway, good shooting.
I think they are all great; I like number 1 best but number 2 is a christmas card.![]()
Hi Steve,
Nice series!
Nice shots, the deer in our area start to wander into the city during the winter. It's like they know hunting season is over. I took a quick photo of a deer that was standing about five feet away from me separated by a fence. I was surprised that the deer wasn't startled by my motion of reaching for my camera.
Nice shots! Very sharp, very rich, good poses/compositions.
Thanks david, they are pretty much in sequence. I think your right about getting into a groove after you settle in. You start to focus on everything and wait for the shot to develope, instead of taking snaps.(i tend to do this at first because getting any shot is better than none, but after i get a few , i wait for something unique to happen.)
Thanks , arith/jim...............glad you liked them.
Very nice. 1 and 4 are my favorite, especially 4.
Thanks shadow, i know what you mean. These deer were shot in a park..........wild, but very tolerant of people. Makes for some great shooting.
Thanks bleys.
Sorry terry, didn't see that you snuck in there. Thanks for the comments, glad you liked them.
Ahhhh that explains it - I always wondered how you got all your wildlife shots. You'd be hard pressed to get the sequence of shots you achieve on the deer down in these parts. You might get one head shot and the next would be the rear end as it crashes off through the bush
Very good sequence though - really like the feeding ones - nice one.
Hi Steve (S),
As Steve (H) says, it is the feeding ones, not what you commonly see that make the series for me.
Although the last one is cute too.
Excellent stuff,