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Thread: Glasses of light

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Glasses of light

    For the exercise, I thought that I'd try one of these context-free arty things. The upload manager seems to have shrunk it to 70K, though.

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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 31st January 2010 at 07:47 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Glasses of light

    I do like these "context free arty things" I think I'd like more definition on the glass on the left though and maybe a bit more space at the bottom. Just observations from a casual viewer. I don't think there's any right or wrong, that's just how i see it.

  3. #3

    Re: Glasses of light


    Very nice image. You have captured the glass and reflections beautifully. You must agree they make for a striking image
    I am working on some disposable glasses at the mo. I will post laer.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Glasses of light


    I agree - it does look a bit unbalanced. I was holding a flash gun in one hand and a reflector in the other, and I only had a few goes at it. If one wanted to spend more time then the way to do it would be to prop and clamp everything so as to be able to make reproducible adjustments, I suppose. But it's more just something to talk about.


    To me this isn't a particularly bad image. It's even a little bit interesting to see white light split up in this way, although there are plenty of better demonstrations. The side light on the glasses against the black background looks OK. But it's not a very engaging image. It's not really about anything except its own internal structure. If you find it striking then I guess that's something, in that on those terms it's not a failure. But to me a good image is so mainly because it speaks of experiences that are not literally present in the picture. It triggers associations. This image is only stimulating (to the extent that it is so) in a transitory way. I suspect that one could go through thousands of these and (depending on taste) be momentarily entertained by every one, but still forget all of them. A lot of people like this sort of thing, and there's nothing really wrong with it, but the strongest term that I'd be prepared to use about images of this type would probably be 'clever'.

  5. #5

    Re: Glasses of light

    It's not really about anything except its own internal structure
    Thats the one! I can never get my head around every picture having to be a narrative. Thats way too easy

    I once heard someone say (about lakeland scene) "I can't see anything with all that scenery in the way". At first you think "what a bunch of philistines" but if you think about it...really think about it, it is a truly philosophical statement.

    This image is only stimulating (to the extent that it is so) in a transitory way. I suspect that one could go through thousands of these and (depending on taste) be momentarily entertained by every one, but still forget all of them. A lot of people like this sort of thing, and there's nothing really wrong with it, but the strongest term that I'd be prepared to use about images of this type would probably be 'clever'
    I could have written that word for word about how I feel about most landscape photography. I tried to explain in one of my previous posts. Photography and art is subjective. The trick for me is not to analyse the image or your thoughts about it.... just enjoy or move on.

    "clever" is a rather derogatory term in that it implies a need to be one up on others. I have noted your opinion on my preferred photography style "been momentarily entertained by it"....and have moved on.


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