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Thread: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

  1. #1
    terrib's Avatar
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    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    As I stated in THIS THREAD a few days ago, I was able to spend a couple hours at a new site for me. It was mid day so lighting was tricky at times but I'm pretty happy with these shots.

    #1 Black Crowned Night Heron

    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    #2 Great Egret. I know it's a lot of branches but I kinda liked how they frame it's head.

    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    #3 Great Egret. I like the pose and flare of the feathers.

    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    #4 White Ibis.

    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    #5 Great Egret.

    Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

  2. #2
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Re: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    Excellent work all around. Great feather detail, great definition around the eyes, great exposure on the white egrets/ibis to avoid blown highlights. Taking these at midday was a difficult task you handled well. You are becoming quite a birder. Congratulations!

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    Wow Terri........superb shots!

    Despite all those distractions, you made those birds stand out. Great technique.

    Again very pleasing shots from your wildlife portfolio.


  4. #4
    Otavio's Avatar
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    Re: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    Quote Originally Posted by terrib View Post
    I'm pretty happy with these shots. [/IMG]
    ...And so you should be! Very nice series, Terri! All good, specially #1 for me. Maybe the exposure on #5 could be lowered a little, but still very good the way it is! Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots!

  5. #5
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    Fabulous photos!

  6. #6
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: Egrets, Herons and Ibis at the Rookery in Dallas, TX

    Thank you everyone for all the positive comments. It is encouraging!

    Otavio, I did struggle with the exposure on #5 so I understand what you are saying but ultimately decided I liked the brightness of it. I was actually more worried about whether I should have brought the dark trees up a bit locally.

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