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Thread: Project 365

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Project 365

    Hello all

    So I have taken it upon myself to do a project 365 for this year. It hase proven quite a challenge but also a lot of fun. I do however find that from time to time my ideas seem slightly lazy and uninspired and result in something more like a snap-shot. So my question is this, to those members that have attempted or are attempting this project, what do you do to stay inspired and motivated? Do you have any tips and tricks or pointers, or even some mini assignments to keep up the creativity?


  2. #2

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Project 365

    A little while ago we had a photo a day project on CinC but just for one month. And even that was a challenge with several members dropping out.

    I found that to cope with those wet weather days and other commitments it was necessary to have a few ideas in reserve. Which included a reasonable amount of indoor scenes.

    The real problem though was not just to take one photo a day, which is easy, but to take scenes which other people would find interesting. And to produce good quality images.

    So the main requirement, for me, is advance planning including sufficient fresh ideas.

    This was my attempt at photo a day for 1 month.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 1st April 2013 at 08:44 PM. Reason: link added

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Johannesburg,South Africa
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    Tobias Weber

    Re: Project 365

    This is my problem exactly, getting a photo is easy, but getting something great is difficult.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 365

    Hi Tobias,

    I'm like Geoff, just look at the two PAD links in my signature - you'll soon find the repetition creeping in

    There are any number of 365 photo blogs on the interweb, just google - what you'll find is they tend to make them of their daily life, not each a photographic challenge - I believe that's almost impossible, at least while living a 'normal' family life and working full time 5 days a week, as I am lucky enough to do.

    Planning is essential, and I don't just mean a shopping list of ideas - I had that, but never found time to do half of 'em.
    I mean scheduling a realistic amount of time each day to shoot and PP/publish.

    A lot of "joe public" photo blogs seem to be a quick snap with an iPhone and upload - that's relatively easy compared to what we as photographers might wish to achieve.

    After our photo a day (for a month), we tried Project 52 (or P52); a photo a week (for a year), but I failed miserably at that due to over ambition, I managed 16 weeks and this year did week 17

    So, my advice would be;
    don't set yourself up to fail by being over ambitious in your targets
    schedule exactly when you'll do it

    oh, and Good luck,

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 365

    You could always take your inspiration from coffee table books and choose tattoos, vehicles, watering holes (the alcoholic kind), and architecture.

  6. #6

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    Re: Project 365

    Toby, I am not as ambitious as you but have embarked on a Project 52 (not documented here or committed to officially anywhere except in my own mind and heart). The goal for me is to improve my overall approach and skill set as it relates to photography. I have not limited myself to one genre, subject, etc.

    You asked:
    Do you have any tips and tricks or pointers, or even some mini assignments to keep up the creativity?
    My only response is to share my approach which is to try and incorporate photography into the things that you enjoy in your daily life or to solve a particular photographic challenge. For example, I have been wanting to try some night/long exposure shooting and tried to find opportunities to fit that it (a local carnival a couple weeks back and a photo walk the other night - will post a couple images from that in a bit to get some C&C).

    I also took the camera with me to the local farmer's market this weekend with a plan to do some shooting. I tried to give myself an assignment to capture the overall feel of the market with both people and food shots on this one but I have yet to pull the images off the card to see if I succeeded in getting a set that I am proud of. I followed up the shooting with some shopping that I would have done otherwise...

    One or two 'good' shots a week is about all I can fit in (and manage to achieve with my skill set) at the moment between shooting time and learning to process the images effectively. So, for the most part, I shoot on the weekends and process during the week as, like Dave, I am blessed to work full time and have other responsibilities to balance.

    I hope this helps you with your approach and commitment to photography. Happy shooting

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Project 365

    I generally take a camera with me on dog walks. With changes of season, light, time of day, it's usually easy to find something new and interesting to photograph each day. I regard revisiting subjects on successive occasions as working the subject, always trying to get a fresh and more coherent image. Sometimes, however, I will lose interest for lack of change in the environment and, when I sense this, I try to introduce change. Sometimes I will change the lens or camera I take with me. Other times I will try to change the way I use the same old equipment. Something as simple as deciding to use the end of the zoom you seldom use (or a neglected range) can provoke a lot of thought about how the lens could be used. There are whole classes of photos that are only practicable with a tripod. Point of view, too - I've given up feeling embarrassed about lying down to get a particular view. I can also change the walk. Change - it's the coming thing!

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