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Thread: Valentine's Day

  1. #1
    MarvinTheSpartan's Avatar
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    Valentine's Day

    Hello, this is my first post (aside from the welcome thread). I am a beginner looking for constructive criticism. These are the flowers I bought my wife for Valentine's day. I decided they'd make a good subject for some photography practice. Let me know what you think and what I need to work on. Thanks!

    Valentine's Day

  2. #2
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    Greetings from Tampa Mike, and welcome to CIC. You picked a tough subject to photograph; composition is tricky but I think you did the right thing by pulling in tight. I find the black space in the upper right a little distracting, and overall it feels a bit soft (the left most flower what you were focused on?), maybe increasing your depth of field to catch all the flowers, try focus stacking, or go with a shallow depth of field and focus on just one flower.

    I have family outside of Chicago, look forward to your pics!

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Valentine's Day

    Basically OK, Mike. Maybe just a fraction too tight on top and bottom but was there something which had to be avoided?

    Possibly, I would have concentrated mostly on just two blooms and used a different size ratio to reduce the right side a little.

    How much have you cropped from the original image? It is a bit difficult to think about alternatives without actually being there to way up the alternatives.

    As Robert said, if possible I would have used a slightly narrower aperture to increase the focus depth. But the basic exposure and colour look fine to me.

  4. #4
    MarvinTheSpartan's Avatar
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    Thank you both for the reply's. Here is the original before I cropped it, I was trying to get rid of as much of the black as possible. I had my camera set to f/8 at 0.8s and had it focused on the 3rd flower from the left. I am open for input on how I could have composed it and/or cropped it differently or what other camera setting I could try. Also, can you explain what focus stacking is?

    Valentine's Day

  5. #5
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    Focus stacking is taking a sequence of photos of the same subject at varying depths of field and then combining them in post to create one image. I've used Zerene Stacker (, but there are plenty of other options...

    This page shows a good example of a stacked and unstacked image:

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    I rather like the original, Mike, as it shows the 'full scene' of a complete and carefully arranged display, which has been well photographed. The amount of black background doesn't bother me.

    But if cropping, I would still like to see just a fraction more space at the top and bottom.

    This tutorial goes into greater depth about photographing flowers. In three extensive episodes which tend to get rather detailed.

  7. #7
    MarvinTheSpartan's Avatar
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    Thank you both again for the input. I'll check our the links your provided.

  8. #8
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Valentine's Day

    Hi Mike. I spend a lot of time photographing flowers - they don't move being one good reason why. I like the others prefer the uncropped version as the Gypsophelia (I think it is anyway) has more context, in your cropped version it is a distraction. If they're still in a photographical state I would also try a photo from above looking down so you get the whole arrangement, which reminds me I must go and do the same on for the bunch I received before they go over.

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