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Thread: Stadium Pictures with correct light

  1. #1

    Stadium Pictures with correct light

    I am looking for a camera that will allow me to take pictures of my childrens sporting events...Typically I am sitting in the stands and they are some distance away...I currently have a Kodak easy share dx7590 all pictures i take always come out very dark whether zoomed in or not...... I have tried every setting Im not super literate on digital cameras so I want something fairly simple..that will give me photos with correct lighting at a distance

    and input would be great

  2. #2

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    Re: Stadium Pictures with correct light

    It's a common problem - unfortunately, the cost of the solution is proportional to the quality of the solution. Do you have a budget for upgrades?

    At a mnimum I'd suggest a crop-factor camera like a Canon 450D or 500D and a medium to long telephoto lens like an EF75-300mm.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Stadium Pictures with correct light

    Hi ds,

    Welcome to the CiC forums.

    Colin's advice is very sound (of course) and budget could be a problem, so we need to know that

    Have you got an example pic we could see?
    It would help us to know whether you are using manual or auto for the shots.

    Having had a quick look at the spec for your camera, I notice that while it is a reasonable camera to learn on, its ISO range only goes to 400 at 5MP (or 800 at 1.8MP). I see you are used to a 35mm equivalent of focal length of 380mm from the Easyshare when zoomed in, so the 300mm lens Colin suggests will equate to 420mm which will be a little better.

    Your greatest gain therefore will be being able to shoot at a higher ISO with sya, a DSLR to improve your pictures, assuming there is no basic under exposure occuring now for other reasons.


  4. #4

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    Re: Stadium Pictures with correct light

    As well as budget, consider what else would you want to photograph.

    A basic DSLR system to fit your requirements could cost around £1500 or more whilst one of the better 'point & shoot' or 'bridge' type cameras could be less than £500 and the best of these have a decent range of zoom lengths from one lens in an easy to use camera.

    But if you expect to become a photographic enthusiast then the interchangeable lens system of a DSLR is going to be the only route; and will enable you to keep shooting while the more basic cameras are struggling with poor light or other natural factors.

    So basically, once we know your exact requirements and price range we can start to consider brands and models. But you will have to choose carefully as a DSLR camera manufacturer is a life long choice; or expensive to change brands.

  5. #5
    Amberglass's Avatar
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    Re: Stadium Pictures with correct light

    Most P&S and "in between or bridge" cameras are more designed for outdoor situations during good daylight hours. Now when it comes to indoor and evening sporting events where artificial lighting is involved. You're going to be disappointed time and time again.

    But can you shoot sports in low lighting with a P&S? Yes, it can. BUT it will require a lot of fiddling on your part. By the time you're ready, your opportunity will pass you by. I'm sure you've already experienced this.

    Even if you have a P&S style camera that has the higher ISO capacity, the lens will be another issue especially on the mega zoom ones that are so popular. To shoot most sports, in poor lighting; you will need an aperture of f 2.8-4 (the "starting point" of most P&S when you start up the camera; aka shooting more on the wide side) and high ISO of minimum of 1600 ISO depending. If you're shooting a soccer field at night, the on board or build in flash is useless. It will only light up what's closest to you. Also zooming out, the aperture will become smaller, allowing less light to come in (aka dark images).

    I'm a seasonal sports photographer for indoor and out door sports. I've had hundreds of parents asks me questions in regards to why their cameras (like yours) just can't seem to work, and ask me for recommendation for their next camera.

    I tell them exactly what I'm telling you:

    1. Decided how much is the Image Quality is worth to you?
    2. Are you actually going to print the images or just post them on internet like FaceBook, Flickr, or etc? If you're not going to print, don't bother blowing a whole lot of money on gear.
    3. How much are you will to budget out, because photography is not cheap by any far cry of the imagination.
    4. Are you willing to invest the time to learn what it takes to master one of the most challenging fields of photography? Parents whom I shot for have "always commented on how easy I make my work look", trust me it's not.
    Last edited by Amberglass; 26th October 2009 at 01:02 PM. Reason: correction

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