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Thread: Lawn mower

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Ontario (mostly)
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    Lawn mower

    Some farmers here who quit their trade turn their lands into little plots that they let out to city dwellers who have an interest in farming/gardening. Other (majority) of former farmers are less environmentally responsible turn their lands into container storage, car wrecking yards etc.

    A friend took me to see his earlier on my trip here and the first thing I noticed was this beautiful goat tethered to a palm tree happily grazing on the grass. His partner was hard at work further up the fields.

    My friend said that Mr and Mrs Goat were serving prison sentences with hard labour (ie lawn mowing) for cleaning up his beautiful patch of tomatoes that he had put a lot of hours and love into.

    So I went up to the goat, patted him on the head and told him that he did the right thing. Every animal deserves a nice meal if not all the time at least some of the time.

    Took 1 shot, would have taken more and brought his partner over but my card was full.

    Lawn mower

  2. #2

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    Re: Lawn mower

    Handsome markings on the goats coat. I think I would have been just a trifle miffed at having my tomato patch pilferred by a pair of goats - none of my tomatoes even flowered this year. There would have been plenty of grass for some goats though.

  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Trevor Reeves

    Re: Lawn mower

    Nice focal point on the goat and I like the slight blur of the tree. I would consider cropping out the foreground grass. I agree about the interesting coat colour. Too bad you ran out of space on the card.

    There is a good reason why devils are portrayed with goat-like horns and hooves. We had dairy goats when I was growing up and I now have two that act as brush control agents. Goats are constantly scheming to escape and eat plants you want. The problem is they are smart enough to outwit you if you make the slightest mistake in confinement. I got in deep trouble as a child for not latching the gate between trips with the wheelbarrow while mucking out the barn. Trying to get 18 goats out of the neighbours corn was an exercise in extreme frustration.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Lawn mower

    Tnanks Keith, Trevor.

    It was a "you want the shot"? "Only if you knell in front of me!" Haughty buggers! He just kept munching...

    Will try to reduce the front a bit - thanks for the cc.

    As for "exercise in frustration" at least you were young then and had bounds of energy. Probably thought it was a lot of fun form the routine.

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