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Thread: Bridge to nature

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Real Name
    A. Rodríguez

    Bridge to nature

    Bridge to nature
    Hi guys, I'm looking for constructive criticism on my photo here

    Shoot on generic Kodak ASA 400 film and scanned at 72dpi

    What do you think? Also I haven't done any retouching to it.

    Thanks. (:

  2. #2
    Otavio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Real Name
    Otávio Oliveira

    Re: Bridge to nature

    Hola, A. Rodríguez. Beautiful image! As you used Film and a generic camera, I am assuming you didnt have the full controls over the camera (Shutter speed, aperture, etc). So, I only could say something about composition and a bit of PP (post processing).

    In my opinion, there is too much sky (although it is a beautiful blue sky), so I would consider cropping it a bit. There is considerable noise, so I would use a noise reduction filter. As the image is small (700 x 473 pixels) this might be tricky as the noise reduction will mess the bridge's fences (guardrails) up. One of the tricks could be applying the noise reduction only in the sky, using a lasso tool. Finally, you could push the contrast up a bit and give it some "green".

    Below, if you allow me to, is one version of your image that I would consider. Please bear in mind that this is personal and you might prefer it the original way!

    Bridge to nature

    PS.: Next time, try to scan at leat @ 300dpi, if possible.

    Saludos cordiales!
    Last edited by Otavio; 27th October 2012 at 11:19 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Real Name
    A. Rodríguez

    Re: Bridge to nature

    Ohh I'm sorry I forgot to mention I shoot it whit a Canon A-1 and yes I did have full control over shutter speed and aperture. I'm still learning to measure light and figure out exposure by myself (any suggestions on how to do it better would be appreciated).
    I would prefer the full sky but thanks! sweet noise reduction! i could not manage that by myself. I like how you did the grass altough i would like a warmer fall-like tone. Thanks for the suggestions! already did my crop and aplied some post-processing.

    Thanks for the advice! Really! Today I changed developing lab and they do 300dpi scans

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