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Thread: Grace on the lake

  1. #1
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Grace on the lake

    This is Stewart. He comes by every day to mooch some food from us. C&C welcome

    Grace on the lake

    Grace on the lake

    Grace on the lake

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Grace on the lake

    Jon - I think #3 is a bit dark and we're losing detail with that heavy shadow on the neck and head.

    But the other two - they, I think, are very good images. The tighter crop on the first is good and the B & W conversation, for me, picks and emphasises the lines and shapes as well as the texture of the feathers.

  3. #3
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Grace on the lake

    Donald, I agree that #3 is too dark so I reworked it a little bit. Any better??

    Grace on the lake

    Still lacking in my opinion. Just doesn't have that umph that I am looking for. Oh well, try and try again.

  4. #4
    TheArcane's Avatar
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    Re: Grace on the lake

    In my opinion the images needs to be tighter to the subject, with more blur to the surroundings, or it needs to be complimented by and interesting co-star for the image. They're decent images, but lack interest. Try to think, how can I make an image of a swan, like nobody has seen before? What can give it an edge over the rest of the pictures we see all the time of these beautiful birds?

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