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Thread: Boats

  1. #1


    Please comment.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Vanvouver Island, BC

    Re: Boats

    Nice image, I like the way the masts seem to go from tallest to shortest as they move to the right. I would suggest cleaning up the vignetting in post or cropping it, but other than that, nice.

  3. #3
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: Boats

    Nice colour rendition, particularly the water, except for the foreground shadow and vignetting as above.

  4. #4

    Re: Boats

    Appreciate for your comments..

  5. #5
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Boats

    ajith.rajeswari, Have you investigated what is causing the vignetting as it appears in a number of your shots and as has been said would benefit cropping out.

  6. #6

    Re: Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post
    ajith.rajeswari, Have you investigated what is causing the vignetting as it appears in a number of your shots and as has been said would benefit cropping out.

    These are taken using 18-200mm lens, at 18mm the vignetting always occur..

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by ajith.rajeswari View Post
    These are taken using 18-200mm lens, at 18mm the vignetting always occur..
    ajith, is it the lens alone that does this, or do you have one (or more) filters on the front? (e.g. UV + polariser). You might want to try without, or only use say 20-200mm, to avoid or reduce the problem.

    Failing that, correct in post processing; I don't what software you use, but try looking under 'Lens corrections' or similar for an automatic tool to do this. Failing that, manually clone a surrounding bit sk/sea over it, or just crop.

    Hope that helps; and keep up the postings and pictures.

    Regards, Dave

  8. #8

    Re: Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    ajith, is it the lens alone that does this, or do you have one (or more) filters on the front? (e.g. UV + polariser). You might want to try without, or only use say 20-200mm, to avoid or reduce the problem.

    Failing that, correct in post processing; I don't what software you use, but try looking under 'Lens corrections' or similar for an automatic tool to do this. Failing that, manually clone a surrounding bit sk/sea over it, or just crop.

    Hope that helps; and keep up the postings and pictures.

    Regards, Dave
    Thanks ..I was using a polarizer + UV filter time I am gonna try a similar shot with and without the filters.
    I am very bad(lazy too) in doing post processing ..may be it is high time to start doing it ..

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