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Thread: On to the next thing

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    On to the next thing

    My daughter and her step-dad were walking away from the swing set on to the next place to play...I like that I caught the swing in the frame as it swings empty from where she got out of it.

    C & C welcome!

    Canon t2i
    Shutter priority (I was taking lots of fast moving shots that afternoon) 1/400
    320 ISO

    On to the next thing

  2. #2
    rob marshall

    Re: On to the next thing

    It has a good narrative, but I'm not sure if it might have been better to show more of the swing, especially the frame of the swing, rather than just the chains and seat coming into the shot like that. It seems a bit abrupt. You have a problem with the lens hood or something in the corners.

  3. #3
    WJT's Avatar
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    Wayne Turner

    Re: On to the next thing

    Hi Kelly,

    This is s great shot. Perhaps just crop an touch off the top and bottom to cut the dark corners out of it.

  4. #4
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: On to the next thing

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    It has a good narrative, but I'm not sure if it might have been better to show more of the swing, especially the frame of the swing, rather than just the chains and seat coming into the shot like that. It seems a bit abrupt. You have a problem with the lens hood or something in the corners.
    I'm inclined to agree with Rob on having more of the swing in the shot. It's still a pretty good composition but I think having more of the swing in the shot would make it better.

  5. #5

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    Re: On to the next thing

    I agree it needed more was one of those "accident" shots...I didn't know the swing was going to come into view (I was looking through the viewfinder and couldn't see it until it was in frame) until after I took the pic and decided I like it and by the time I scooted back to have more of it, they didn't have such a good relationship-to-each-other position anymore.

    The vignetting on the top and bottom is from the polarizing filter...I meant to crop it out and guess I forgot!

    Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it and am soaking it all in!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: On to the next thing

    I think it would have more impact if cropped into a landscape aspect. Possibly 3 x 2 ratio might work.

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