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Thread: Flowers of spring

  1. #1
    eNo's Avatar
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    Flowers of spring

    Nikon D90 & AI-S 55mm micro @ f/11
    Flowers of spring

    Nikon D90 & AI-S 55mm micro @ f/11
    Flowers of spring

    Nikon D90 & vr16-85 @ f/5.6
    Flowers of spring

    Nikon D90 & AI-S 55mm micro
    Flowers of spring

    Last edited by eNo; 13th May 2009 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    Hi eNo,

    Good series, decent backgrounds (i.e. non-distracting), good crops for composition and focus (always a compromise) is on the right bits.

    Well done.

    Just one thing, any chance we might know your first name?
    (I am assuming, perhaps incorrectly, it is not eno)


  3. #3
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    Hi eNo

    I see from a quick peek at your web-site that you like colour in pretty bold doses, as indeed in these flower shots. Also curiosity took me to the D80/D90 colour comparisons. On the latter have you explored DxO 'film pack' which claims to superimpose colour characteristics specific to a particular camera or film. I haven't tried it but do like the basic DxO; free trials available

    Look forward to more of your pics & what macro lens (assumed) are you using on the flowers?

  4. #4

    Re: Flowers of spring

    Nice shots, eNo. Think I like #3 and #4 most. The first couple perhaps lack a point of interest. #3 is pinsharp, and #4 is almost architectural in it's composition.

  5. #5

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    Re: Flowers of spring

    Great macro shots eNo. Colours are really powerfull without being over the top, well done.

  6. #6
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    Thanks for feedback, everyone. I'll update the originals to include lens information.

    Dave: if I become famous, I'll be glad to share my name. Until then, it doesn't much matter.

    Criss & peter: when it comes to color, I prefer not to pump things up. Actually, it depends on the subject (flowers are fair game) and the mood I'm in. Of these, I only tweaked #3 with a dose of saturation and hue adjustment because the lighting produced colors that were too flat for my taste. All of these have USM contrast applied which also helps to make them stand up a bit w/o too much color alteration.

    Dendro: yes, I' not as happy with this version of #1 as I was with an earlier attempt, but I wanted to have a go at it at f/16 and see if I got better sharpness from the increased DOF. Unfortunately, that meant a slower exposure, and the sharpness just isn't there to draw your eye as powerfully to the diagonal stamen. Try this one @ f/5.6 and see if you like it better.

    Flowers of spring

  7. #7

    Re: Flowers of spring

    Quote Originally Posted by eNo View Post
    Try this one @ f/5.6 and see if you like it better.
    Hell yeah! That is waaaay better, immediately more powerful. Nice one.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    Hi eno,

    I agree with Graham, the f5.6 shot is better, now it competes with #3 and #4 for being my favourite.

    Be sure and let me know when you become famous


  9. #9
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    What is happening?! We are all agreeing!

    I like this later version as it is clear from the petal edges as well as generally where the limits of DOF lie; also greater contrast between the stamen and bitsies off of it and the petal behind. Then lastly the green contrast bit really lifts it from a tendency to sickliness.

    This is now an arresting image and flower portrait in a way the 1st effort was not. An interesting outcome from a fairly small change in set-up. You may become famous more quickly than you expect

  10. #10

    Re: Flowers of spring

    Very nice studies. Nice lens too. I have too agree with the consensus on the wider aperture. Talking of macros has anyone tried using a reversing ring. I wouldn't mind a try maybe someone has some experiences with these things.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Flowers of spring

    I agree with others that these are very nice work of macro photography.

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