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Thread: Cross Screen Filter for Photoshop CS5

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Cross Screen Filter for Photoshop CS5

    I searched this forum but couldn't find any information on a cross screen (or star) filter add-on for Photoshop. Or is there one lurking around the filters within the program? Then I searched Google and got a plethora of hits and don't know which would be the best.

    I wonder if any members have used cross screen filter plug-ins for PS CS5. I'd like a plug in that is versatile. There are times that I would like all my lights with star effect and there are other times when a single star cross would be what I needed. I prefer 4-point stars but would not mind having the capability to add six or even eight point stars.

    I have several star filters left over from my film days but, the problem with shooting images with filters over the lens is that you cannot adjust the effect to any great degree after the image is acquired. Also some star filters tended to soften the entire image a bit,

    BTW, in film, I sometimes used a six point cross screen star filter for female portraits because it would give just a tiny bit of diffusion. Enough to get rid of tiny lines and blemishes. Of course, this was before the magic of Photoshop image editing.

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Cross Screen Filter for Photoshop CS5

    Hi Richard, I've found that the bast place to find products, tutorials, and videos for products used in Photoshop is in the Help Menu search dialog within PS. I'm wondering if the free download Pixel Bender filter might do what you want?

  3. #3
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Cross Screen Filter for Photoshop CS5

    Hi Richard,

    I don't think you'll find what you're after in a filter effect.

    Most people now use specialised brushes to to paint in the effect you're after, also utilizing layer effects (Glow, etc)

    Here's a quick tutorial to make your own brush set. It's not the best but you'll get the idea.

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