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Thread: Nakhal Fort - Series

  1. #1
    Japokskee's Avatar
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    Nakhal Fort - Series

    Nakhal Fort - Series

    warming up before my shoot hehehe.
    Last edited by Japokskee; 6th June 2011 at 02:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Japokskee's Avatar
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    Re: Nakhal Fort - Series

    Nakhal Fort - Series

    thanks for viewing... cheers
    Last edited by Japokskee; 6th June 2011 at 03:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Japokskee's Avatar
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    Re: Nakhal Fort - Series

    Nakhal Fort - Series

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Nakhal Fort - Series

    Given the position of the sun in #2, and brightness as per the other shot which is no more than an hour prior, I would think the wall on the right would be a smidgeon brighter than you are artisitcally portraying. As it sits, there is a nice "ghostly" feel to it; yet...

    On a more technical note, while I realize you are using a very wide angle lens (guessing a 12-24 at about 16), I feel like the distortion works against you in image 1 and is very close to having the same effect in image 2. In 2, if you do a slight distort to the right side wall, more toward the back, to pull it slightly more toward vertical, I think you can make this a far more powerful shot. I just feel like I am leaning to the right so far, I am going to fall off the frame at any moment.

    I had to sacrifice a lot of your image to get where I am suggesting, and it is more my thoughts than an absolute...I did discover at one point, that by just leveling the steps in the foreground, I regained a much better sense of balance as my eye led itself up the pathway.

    Nakhal Fort - Series
    Last edited by MiniChris; 6th June 2011 at 11:03 PM.

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