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Thread: Images from new camera won't load

  1. #1
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Images from new camera won't load

    Hi everyone,

    Well I just upgraded from a 400D to a 5D II, and the first pics I took will not load into the Bridge CS5 downloader. I tried both the card reader I always use and when that didn't work I tried doing it direct from the camera ... no dice there either. The downloader says it doesn't detect a device to download from. Nothing happens when I click on <refresh list>.

    All the images look fine on the camera - all the metadata is there, etc.; and the green light on the card reader comes on as usual but Bridge still doesn't detect them.

    For what it's worth (probably nothing), the CF card with the new images from the 5D also contains other images that have been previously downloaded successfully from the 400D, but not yet deleted from the card.

    Bridge CS5 Help is no help. I'm guessing Bridge needs to be synced up with the new camera somehow but I haven't been able to find any function that does such a thing.

    Any ideas? Please ... Thanks loads and cheers,


  2. #2

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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    There is probably a way to load directly into Bridge, but I still use the Canon EOS Utility for downloads then use Bridge to select images from that file.

  3. #3
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Thanks a bunch, Geoff. Yes they downloaded right away once I opened the EOS Utility. Not sure why I didn't need it before when I was using the 400D but ... well whatever?? Problem solved with another CiC slam dunk. Have a great day, mate!

  4. #4
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Try updating your Adobe Camera RAW - you might be running an older version that does not have the codec for your newer camera.

  5. #5
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    You should format your card to the new camera. This is important.


  6. #6
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Thanks Robin and Pops. Yes ACR version 6 supports the 5d II. I just formatted my card to the 5D ... now must remember to do it again if I re-use the card in the 400D.

  7. #7
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    I constantly swap cards between cameras without formatting them without problems. Each camera automatically creates it's own folders and won't interfere with the previous set.

    A format is good idea from time to time just to get the card nice and clean again.

    If you've the latest version of ACR then there's no reason Bridges loader shouldn't work. Set Bridge in the auto load preferences of Windows (or OSX) to be the default program for new images and it should pop up when you insert a card.

  8. #8

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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Well I did say that there was probably a way to load images directly into Bridge. I thought I had read something about it somewhere; so I checked the book.

    Apparently, go to Preferences - General - Behavior and tick 'When a Camera is Connected, Launch Adobe Photo Downloader

    But I haven't tried actually doing this myself. As long as everything is working OK I am prepared to 'Let Sleeping Dogs lie'!
    Last edited by Geoff F; 21st April 2011 at 06:31 PM. Reason: spelling

  9. #9
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Actually I did get the downloader to launch, it was just that it told me that no source (or device, or whatever) was detected. Anyway, more on this maybe tomorrow when I get another chance to take some more photos and I'll try it again, and see if it's still necessary to open up the EOS Utility. Thanks for everybody's input.

  10. #10
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Well I must say that now I'm really stumped. I loaded some more images from the 5D II onto the computer yesterday; and not only was it still necessary to open the EOS Utility, but this time I had to connect the camera directly instead of using the card reader. The box in Preferences that says to launch the Adobe Photo Downloader when a camera is connected is still checked, and always has been. Bottom line is still the same: I get the Downloader up ok but in the field that says Get Photos From, it still says None Detected, and when I check on the other option that says Refresh List, nothing happens. The Get Photos button at the bottom is grayed out all the time.

    But well, it does work as long as I open the EOS Utility and connect the camera directly ... maybe I should just take after Geoff and let the sleeping dog have his peace ... I'll keep working on it. Thanks, all.


  11. #11

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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    sounds like your card reader is on the blinlk,cheers martyn

  12. #12

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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Some cards have a lock feature on them to prevent you from shooting over the present images..check to see if yours has one, and if it is in the locked position. I did that once and a student figured it out for me...sheese, talk about who becomes the teacher???

  13. #13
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Finally, A SOLUTION! On my first day of recovering from jet lag after returning from Japan, I had an epiphany. I uninstalled the Canon software that came with my new camera and presto, the Bridge downloader now pops right up and works like a charm, just like always. I'm not sure if the Canon downloader supercedes, or even disables Bridge in every case, but it did in my equipment/configuration. Hmm, maybe I'll see if jet lag can be simulated so I can discover all kinds of cool stuff.

  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Re: Images from new camera won't load

    Two similar programmes often have conflict problems. They are a bit like spoilt electronic children who are always fighting each other.

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