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Thread: Weekend hike

  1. #1
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Weekend hike

    Hey everyone,
    I was out hiking with my daughter and came across this chair in the middle of the forest. From the bullet holes and location at the bottom of the path it must have belonged to a hunter a long time ago.

    Weekend hike

    Weekend hike

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Weekend hike

    Hi Jack,

    You've done well with the picture of your daughter to keep so much detail in the shadow under the cap and not have the cheek burn out. A very nice picture, and probably one that even she likes - it is rare for a parent to achieve that.

    The chair image has obviously had some time spent on it to monochrome everything but the chair. However, I feel it needs a final levels tweak to expand the tonal range; i.e. make the whites whiter and blacks blacker, it's all a bit too grey at the moment to my eyes. On a second look, I could be wrong about the levels, maybe it is a local contrast enhance that is needed, try a USM with 20%, 80px and threshold 0 or 1 for starters.

    Perhaps it's my suburban upbringing and sheltered lifestyle, but finding things with bullet holes in are not something I see very often. I should get out more!

    Thanks for sharing these,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 16th February 2009 at 10:26 AM. Reason: 'on second look' comment added

  3. #3
    cav's Avatar
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    Re: Weekend hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    ...You've done well with the picture of your daughter to keep so much detail in the shadow under the cap and not have the cheek burn out. A very nice picture...
    This is really good use of available light. I use reflectors in portraiture to control subtle shadow detail. Here it looks as if Nature gave you a helping hand as you daughter's face has naturally been filled in by light reflected off the snow on the ground.

    One for the album...


  4. #4
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Weekend hike

    I agree with the above, but would add that when doing selective colour replacement it's always a good idea to zoom right the way in, so as not to include any of the surrounding area. If this was intentional, then apologies

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