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Thread: Crawlers

  1. #1
    New Member Lena Anne's Avatar
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    Taken Mid-Morning in October at Forester's Footsteps Trail in Whiteshell Provincial Park. Trying different angles to get a pulled in effect.

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    Last edited by Donald; 4th April 2011 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Image inserted inline

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Crawlers

    That's a very clever image to have seen and captured. And the idea of going so wide that we get the whole thing in context is, I think, good.

    The only point for attention, I suggest, is the focal point and the depth-of-field. Obviously we have the foremost leaf and leaf-carrier out of focus. But we have quite a bit of ground behind the last leaf-carrier, in focus. If the point of focus had been moved forward, you would have taken the whole area that's in focus forward ... and maybe this might have made for an even stronger image.

    If you thought that was a valid point, then one option would be to crop the image just below the front of the three leaf carriers in a line. That not only takes out teh out-of-focus foreground, but would also have the possible advantsge of putting the transition line from the shaded area to the bright grass in the background, on, or close to close to, the upper horizontal third (on Rule of Thirds grid).

    One idea to think about.

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