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Thread: Status Update

  1. #1
    SGerke's Avatar
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    Status Update

    Hello everyone!

    Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. Still struggling with not having the internet at home and I've been very busy practicing with my new, first DSLR (Canon 40D). I took a photography fundamentals class in January and a beginner's wedding photography class in February to help me gear up for the wedding I've committed to on April 9. I'm feeling a lot better about the whole situation. My wedding class was MOST beneficial in helping me prepare for the entire event.

    There have also been some new developments with the wedding. The ceremony will be very, very small (6 people in bridal party including bride + groom, only immediate family attending ceremony approx. 10-15 individuals) and there will be <100 at the reception. My teacher in the wedding photography class gave us samples of all of her paperwork (contract, info sheets, etc. You can see her website here: so I'm working on making them my own. I do plan on asking the couple to sign an "agreement" to be clear on expectations and services. Now that I'm more educated on the entire wedding photography subject I'm much calmer and more prepared to deal with the upcoming event.

    I will post some new pictures soon and look forward to hearing the C&C!
    Hope everyone's doing well!

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    Good to hear from you, Sarah. Been wondering where you got to. You seem as if you're preparing yourself well for the big event.

  3. #3
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    It sounds as if you have made a plan and are sticking to it. My advice at this point is to get some practice in at photographing the couple beforehand. This will give you some insite into any skin tones, expressions, awkard stances and such you can expect at the ceremony and the reception. Try to get permission to photograph a few shots of the bride being dressed and prepared for the ceremony and of the groom fussing with his tie in front of the mirror. Those might be trite, but are always enjoyed in later years. The tension is usually palpable in those moments.

    Another "standard" shot is of the parents of the bride at the beginning of the ceremony. Ones I always tried to get (and was only rarely successful) was head shots of the Groom looking down at the Bride, and of the Bride looking up at the Groom, as they each say "I do." If you get those, you can do a montage, with him in the upper, left corner looking down at her in the middle right third, looking up at him, with the wedding cake or hands displaying the rings, or such in the center. A couple of other shots of memorable moments can then be scattered about to balance those. They were very popular.

    I'm sure there are some people photographers with more recent experience who will have other suggestions. My experience was gained 40 and 50 years ago.


  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    Good luck on your Canon 40D. I shoot with one also and it is still a capable camera despite being several models old. I would suggest a couple of things.

    1. If at all possible, have a back up camera/lens/flash. Murphy's Law states: The possibility of a piece of gear going down is in a direct relationship to the importance of the shoot and in an inverse relationship to the availability of back-up equipment.

    2. Also, if possible, visit the venues for the wedding and reception and get a feeling for the problems which might happen.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Also, if possible, visit the venues for the wedding and reception and get a feeling for the problems which might happen.
    Agreed, the other advice is very important, but unless you already know both venues well (at the time of day concerned) or are being taxi'd, you don't want to get held up trying to find somewhere to park the car when you should be taking photo's - don't overlook this piece of Richard's advice! (Can you tell I did this once? )

    Glad things are going well, hope that continues, all the best,

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    There is one accessory I always carry in my camera case and which has paid dividends in the past: a small change purse with a supply of change and five one-dollar bills to feed parking meters and also feed the slots in self service parking lots. I didn't always carry this and once on a shoot in a church in Downtown San Diego, I had no change for parking meters and when I entered a self paid parking lot in which you place two dollars in a slot, I only had a ten dollar bill. Unfortunately, I had neither time enough to get change nor was I willing to take a chance on getting an expensive parking ticket; so I blew the ten dollar bill for the two dollar parking space.

  7. #7
    SGerke's Avatar
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    Re: Status Update

    Thanks, everyone, for the feedback!

    I should have mentioned, the ceremony and reception are at the same place (ceremony outside, reception inside). The venue however is really bad at returning calls/emails so I haven't been able to schedule a time to see it, but it's in a public park (secluded area) so if they don't get back with me I'm just going to go check it out from the outside (gotta take what I can get, right?) This also means free parking, but I will definitely keep that in mind for future shoots! Very helpful advice that I would never have thought about. Thanks!

    I already shot their engagement pictures which was a lot of fun and I'll be attending the rehearsal. They're a very natural couple, so I really want to capture that. Of course there will be posed shots, but I don't want anything cheesy or unnatural.

    I have to say I am so thrilled to have my DSLR! The effects, like DOF, I couldn't get with my point and shoot and tried to get in PP is so much nicer, cleaner with my DSLR. I've really had a blast learning everything and practicing. Would love it if someone had some weekly "assignment" ideas that would help me with some techniques, poses, lighting, or general camera use that may help for the big day.

    I've already looked into a couple options for backup camera, lenses, etc. Hoping to just borrow one from a fellow Canon shooter, just waiting to hear from them. If that doesn't work, there are a couple places within an hour of me that I could get pretty decent priced rentals (Canon EF 70-200, 2.8, $70 for 4 day rental [not including insurance though it's not required]!) I am purchasing more memory cards and batteries before, so hoping those won't be an issue.

    Starting to look forward to the big day instead of dreading it!
    Last edited by SGerke; 3rd March 2011 at 04:33 PM.

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