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Thread: Zero Noise: Zig Zag HDR Example

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Madrid (Spain)

    Zero Noise: Zig Zag HDR Example

    Yesterday I used Zero Noise to fuse 3 bracketed shots 2 f-stops apart.

    Manual tone mapping with a natural looking in mind. I applied a Brightness curve with layer mask, and a standard Contrast curve. Unsharp mask for some extra local contrast.

    The scene was captured with Canon 350D + Canon 10-22 at 10mm, f/11 and had 13 f-stops of real DR. The resulting image:

    Zero Noise: Zig Zag HDR Example

    See it here in 1024px.


  2. #2
    New Member
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    Holly Cow!!!!!!!
    Any chance you're developing a Mac version?

    Thanks in advance,

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    Excellent natural looking result, to my untrained eye, I can't fault it on 'exposure'.

    Well done

  4. #4

    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    I love how natural that came out looking, wouldn't even suspect it was HDR at first glance. Such as shame that the link (zero noise) is all in French, looks like some real good information to take in

  5. #5
    atvinnys's Avatar
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    Raleigh (NC/US), Paris

    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    huh?....the webstie is actually in spanish...not french...
    Guillermo actually has an icon there to use some online translator..
    some of his documenetaiton is also directly in english. (he had another post on CiC with a quick how-to picture too...

  6. #6

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by atvinnys View Post
    you can use translator to actually read the content...if you are using firefox, you can use Translator as an add-on....not really accurate, but good enough.
    Maybe, or maybe not ...

    I had a good look through it, but it wasn't quite close enough for me to be able to comprehend critical parts, unfortunately.

    Perhaps someone here could do a rough translation, and then have someone else give it the finishing touches? (perhaps using a web-based translation as a starting point?)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Madrid (Spain)

    Re: Zig Zag HDR

    Yes, it's a shame my site is mainly in Spanish. Sometimes I start to translate some content and then realize how much I wrote and give up.

    If you are specially interested in any of the articles let me know, and I will try to focus on them when having time to translate.

    This is my first serious work and I am systematically bracketing all the scenes being shot to override my camera's DR limitations. Need some extra time on post procesing but I am feeling very happy with the results: clean zero noise images with preserved highlights.

    I recently added two new features to Zero Noise, [COLOR="Red"]HL to force highlight preservation (i.e. absolutely no highlight information found in the RAW files is blown when white balancing), and automatic [COLOR="red"]ETTR of the output histogram, which is accurately fitted to 65535. Then any curve ending in (255,255) is fine to process the image.
    They work together really very well because the HL (which uses DCRAW's -H 2 command) always allows some empty gap in the right part of the histogram.

    Zero Noise: Zig Zag HDR Example

    Zero Noise: Zig Zag HDR Example

    Thanks for all your comments.
    Last edited by _GUI_; 5th February 2009 at 02:58 AM.

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