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Thread: "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    Today quick tour to our local car museum

    for your review


    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: "Hall of fame" of car manufacturers

    Hi Thierry,

    Not that I follow old cars, but I'd never heard of the first one (Chenard & Walcker), the rest I have heard of - but never owned

    They're all pretty good except possibly #3; the Rolls Royce, especially with the arcs in the background, it just isn't as clear as the others.

    Is the Renault shot from the middle of a steering wheel, or something else - fabric roof perhaps?


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