Helpful Posts:
21st January 2009, 11:01 PM
22nd January 2009, 11:11 AM
Re: Still Inner City
People who create this kind of art amaze me - I couldn't even draw a circle and have it look like a circle - I just don't know how they do it.
It reminds me of some street art I saw here in Nelson a few years ago - someone had used chalk to draw out a swimming pool (about the size of a spar pool) on the pavement - the had "steps" going down "into it" that were so real looking you'd almost trip up trying to walk down them - amazing understanding of perspective & geometry & shading.
Nice picture too by the way - perhaps we should start a thread along the lines of street art & graffiti?
22nd January 2009, 09:46 PM
Re: Still Inner City
"Nice picture too by the way - perhaps we should start a thread along the lines of street art & graffiti?"
That would be great.
22nd January 2009, 10:48 PM
Re: Still Inner City
I've seen some amazing stuff but most the stuff I see is simple tags or insults (nothing clever either). Some artists have started doing similar stuff on canvas,one of my friends started collecting unusual style works to fill his walls and got a lot of graffiti style stuff like 
Quite a few are manchester based artists who still do wall art but also do canvas and other medium work too, I believe angel41 has started leaving some of his work in out of the way places in manchester for people to find.
22nd January 2009, 11:03 PM
Re: Still Inner City
Thats a nice piece, I think creating a thread on Street art/Graffiti would be good. We have our fair share of it in Feilding.
22nd January 2009, 11:12 PM
Re: Still Inner City
Nothing really that exciting though ....
Not like that first one!
The thing that amazes me the most is the scale of the image.
Its one thing to paint a picture on a piece of paper, but how do you manage to paint something 'THAT BIG' and still keep everything in proportion?
Sometimes you even see much bigger ones done on bigger walls etc or on the sides of sheds etc ( I think there's one in fielding on a shed but I think its also pretty ordinary)
Last edited by milleniummuppet; 22nd January 2009 at 11:17 PM.
22nd January 2009, 11:14 PM
Re: Still Inner City
Well, There is some exciting graffiti, you gotta find it first. My brother did some street art stuff a while back and he found some things that you wouldn't expect here.
23rd January 2009, 12:27 AM
Re: Still Inner City
I think another impressive thing is the time it's done in. Even using stencils to cut down time and give clean well defined edge (as many do) the time many do it in makes it very impressive. I'll have to find some stuff and get pics now. That pic I posted earlier is on canvas btw by a manchester artist called UnikProdukt.
There is a lot of Banksy pieces around my city, one of his rats is massive 
and was done very quickly. That's a busy road (main road in liverpool centre busy day and night) and the police don't like him which makes it quite an accomplishment. On a side note I know his roots are middle class art student and many see this as undermining his work but personally I couldn't care less what his origins are I like his work.
I think a graffiti thread would be great.
23rd January 2009, 08:44 PM
Re: Still Inner City
Sorry, lads, been at work.
Alot of this sort of stuff is done with permission on bar/shop fronts in the Northern Quarter. I'm sort of in the process of trying to catalogue it. Bloody work gets in the way! Some of the low key stuff is awesome (see Inner City) you've got to look twice before it bounces out. The best way I've found to shoot these photos is at night but then that has it's own set of complications (pissheads etc) What I'm trying to find is a work in progress. That would be top.
23rd January 2009, 09:16 PM
Re: Still Inner City
Manchester has more than it's fair share of artists, a few have websites so maybe email them and ask if it would be ok to capture a work in progress. I'm sure many would appreciate it, most photograph their work when done and I've seen some in progress stuff too (not from me, in published stuff like Banksy's "wall and piece"). That would be great to see.
23rd January 2009, 10:38 PM
Re: Still Inner City
LOL - many of the "artists" in my parts are very shy and/or very "health conscious" - they all seem to want to wear a scarf over most of their face for some reason.
I think it must be more of the health thing, as they all seem to keep pretty fit (you should see how fast they can run when a police car approaches!).
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