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Thread: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

  1. #1

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    So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    The first is at a higher dpi because according to Kelby, you can have your cake and eat it too if you only change the pixel size and leave the dpi alone...Rob seems to think this isn't copesetic and I do so want to be, I did a save to web file, Number 2 and oddly enough, it took considerably longer to load and it also changed color. I guess my next step is to load it to a site like flicker or photobucket and load via a url.
    There needs to be some kind of alogorthim (sp) that can do this for everyone without having to go through all these wacky contortions...that's the sissy side of me talking...still, it is all too confusing for a simple minded boy like me.

    So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

  2. #2
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    That is quite a difference in color. I myself am pretty green as for computers and fail to understand most of what is being talked about. However I have yet to notice any color changes the way I go about it. I simply re-size to 1000 on the long side and save. I then use photobucket and paste the url. I don't yet need to worry about DPI as my Sony A-100 only shoots 72 dpi.

  3. #3
    Skitalez's Avatar
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    Re: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    Personally I prefer such colors... like Olive. I think, it is looked very nice
    So subject matters are more precisely allocated
    your first one very close to this

    So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    Hi Chris,

    The first file is about 140kB and is sRGB

    The second file is almost 300kB and won't display any sensible EXIF (that'll be Save for Web!)


  5. #5
    rob marshall

    Re: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    The second file is almost 300kB and won't display any sensible EXIF (that'll be Save for Web!)
    Serious point: why is there this idea that save for web doesn't keep EXIF. It does if you select it as an option in the SFW panel. Or at least it does in CS5, and I think, in CS4.

  6. #6
    Skitalez's Avatar
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    Re: So, here is the same tree saved two different ways

    What does the way of conservation change? And why it so is important for Chris? There is no big difference between these a photo. maybe, only a shade. Quality has not exchanged. Color is a little............

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