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Thread: The Pelicans

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    The Pelicans

    Hey all,
    So, let me have my first go here. This is a shot I took few weeks ago. what do you think? I really look forward for any comments you would give.

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    Last edited by Donald; 12th January 2011 at 07:40 AM. Reason: Image posted inline

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: The Pelicans

    Quote Originally Posted by Yisehaq View Post
    Hey all,
    So, let me have my first go here. This is a shot I took few weeks ago. what do you think? I really look forward for any comments you would give.

    Hi Yisehaq,

    The shot is reasonably well exposed and focused, but the main problem is the composition and content.

    To do the Pelican's justce, I think you generally would want to have no more than 3 in shot and then, if more than one, you want them arranged better - all those facing away or part cropped are not contributing to a good image.

    Portraits, even of birds, really need to include the eyes (and face), here we have 6 birds and only one face.

    My advice would be to take a little more time; wait until you have a fewer, or just one, on its own and take a picture of that when it is facing the camera.

    Here are some of examples;
    The Pelicans
    The Pelicans

    If you want to shoot larger groups, it helps if they're all doing something together, rather than ambling around randomly each doing their own thing.

    The Pelicans

    (Click images to see larger)

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

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    Re: The Pelicans

    Thanks so much Dave. That was a lot of help. I tend to concentrate at times on one element as you mentioned and forget other points.

  4. #4
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: The Pelicans

    That is one of the hardest things - making sure that there are no unwanted elements in the viewfinder. I forget to do it all the my deletion rate is high.

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