Perhaps your lens suffers of backfocusing? does your camera manage AF micro adjustements?
but I could be wrong, someone else nearby is more skilled in that matter for sure...
Hi Yegor,
This looks like a focus error; either the lens/camera got it wrong, or, is it possible, given the narrow DoF at f/5.6, that you might have moved, ever so slightly, leaned after AF? I know I do this, because I shoot handheld - obviously, if this was on a tripod, we can rule that out.
Is it a Pentax lens, or a third party?
It is objective Pentax 24-200... From the beginning there were problems! Poor quality (is smeared), is too dark at 24 and almost white at 200mm with EV -3!!! and a lot of noise at low ISO... Tomorrow I shall go to change, possibly simply marriage (((thanks!!!
Grazie mille!
Last edited by Skitalez; 10th January 2011 at 10:50 PM.
One more strangeness - a diaphragm always on 5.6, even when exposed on other values.... I put on 11, I do a shot, and ....again on 5.6
Hi Yegor.
Can you tell me what Focus Mode you use? I assume your camera is still set to the factory default of "Closest To The Camera Subject Priority" meaning the camera focuses on the closest subject to it. My camera defaukts back to this mode if I choose Auto as my shooting mode. I think the red circle is closer to the camera than the yellow and this could be the problem.
If you have not done so then try changing to Single Area Focus and by pointing the little black rectangle area in the centre of the screen on the subject you want in focus.
Last edited by Peter Ryan; 10th January 2011 at 11:32 PM.
Hi, Peter, I have use measuring the Spot, AF mode - AF.A (tried also AF.C ' n ' AF.S) I always use only M and Av... I tried all adjustments.... With my objective complete set there are no problems! All photos, that u see at this forum, that I have made with the complete set 18-55.... And this tube (with red circle) in fact further![]()
Unsuccessful purchase! Tomorrow I shall change on
Pentax SMC DA 10-17 mm f/3.5-4.5 ED (IF) Fish eye