Photo #1: Love it. Wouldn't change it a bit, wish I had taken it. I can smell the creosote from here.
#2: Well done, but.... The problem is, this shot has been well done so many times by so many people that I only wish I could see this particular version with fresh eyes. I hate to sound so jaded as a newbie, but I started deleting these shots from my camera a couple months ago before they were even downloaded, because they all seem cliche to me. I don't know if there's any level of technical perfection that can bring the subject back to life, but it's like a great tune that has just been played so often that it has become annoying.
#3: Personally, I'd crop a about the lower third, and I wonder if maybe a slightly higher angle wouldn't be better in this case. A gradient color matting is perfect for this shot.
#4: I wonder what this would look like with a longer lens to shorten the distance to the building. It's interesting as is, but the exaggerated distance makes the "parting" implied by the track switch seem more eventual than imminent.
I don't know, I really like #2, but maybe then I just like clichesI saw some potential for a texture out of it . . .
I like #1 a lot, too.
Use it if you like...I thought the same thing and might at some point...
I really liked the Catbird Seat too. I am not a tchotchke type (and I don't own a cat) but I wouldn't mind having that guy on my mantle.
Last edited by MiniChris; 9th January 2011 at 04:46 AM.