Today I went out to try some pictures in the so called "magic hour". All the pictures were taken in the Parque Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, but don't ask any carioca "Where is the Park Brigedeiro...?" simply say "Where is the Aterro do Flamengo", we never call it for its oficial name.
Please, give me your opinion about exposure, composition and so on. Pictures were shot with my Canon Sx20is, hand held, no post-production (I don't know how to do it at the moment, too many things to learn at once =D).
#1 - This is the classic picture of "Believe me, in my eyes it was much better. Although it is nice"

The hill is the biggest one of Pão de açucar (Sugar loaf)
ISO 400 F/8 1/80s
there's another similar in my album)
I guess that it's too noisy, probably due to ISO 800 (F/5 1/30 s)
#3 ISO 200 f/5 1/100s
Thank you all =)