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Thread: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

  1. #1

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    Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    I want to start taking extreme close-ups of bugs, butterflys, snow-flakes.. etc.. etc..
    I would like to stay below $450.. so do people have some lenses they highly recommend?



  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi Devoh,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    Here's one I took earlier this year with a second hand manual lens, so exposure and focus were hit and miss (hand held too). Blades of grass with frost on.

    Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000
    Nikon D5000 + 55mm f/2.8 Ai-S Micro-Nikkor: 1/125s, f/11?, iso800 (16301)
    Click image to see at 1,000px × 783px.

    I have since bought a new Nikon 105mm Macro lens, but that will break your budget.

    I went for a longer focal length to get more distance from bugs and butterflies.
    Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000
    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 105mm f2.8 VR2: 1/90s, f/11, iso800 (25782)

    For many bugs, even longer focal lengths are necessary; 150, 180 or 200mm.
    In fact, I use my (non-Macro) Nikon 70-300mm, which focuses down to 5 feet for things like this;
    Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000
    Nikon D5000 + Nikon 70-300mm VR: 1/2000s, f/11, iso400 (26616)
    F11 and click image to see at 1,680px × 666px

    There are various other options for getting magnification, have a read of the introductory article, plus a tutorial on Macro lenses, it comes in two parts, so don't miss the second installment.

    Hope that helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th January 2011 at 08:18 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi Dave,
    Thans for the welcoming! I love the second shot! They are all really good. So how do you like the 105mm Nikon?
    Can you share a pic from that one? Also thanks for the links to some extra reading. I am loving this site!


  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by devoh View Post
    So how do you like the 105mm Nikon?
    I like it, a lot. It is so nice, compared to extension tubes, to be able to focus so close - particularly for insects, you can start taking from a distance away and slooowly advance on them and just keep shooting.

    If you have a read of Katy's first day with her new 60mm macro lens, you'll get an idea of what it is like.

    Quote Originally Posted by devoh View Post
    Can you share a pic from that one?
    The picture of the orange fly is taken with it.

    As is this;
    Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000
    Hit F11 and click image to see at 1,411px × 1,050px


  5. #5

    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Nice second photo, Dave!

  6. #6
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    I have a Tamron 180m macro for my Nikon and I love it. I am not sure where you are from and hence what dollars you refer to but if it fit you budget I recommend you consider it. Like Dave I also use my 70 – 300 m lens for close up work to give an entirely different background effect.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi Devoh...

    Welcome to the forum! I am sure that you will find us friendly and, I hope, helpful. Is Devoh what we should call you? My name is Richard and I live in California, USA.

    Macro is a lot of fun and a dedicated macro lens is, IMO, the most pleasant way to shoot. I don't know where you are located but, if you are in the USA and are patient, there might be a good lens for you.

    Tamron produces excellent macro lenses. The present 90mm f/2.8 Tamron AF SP Di macro is a great lens, however its predecessor, the 90mm f/2.8 Tamron AF SP (no Di in that alphabet soup designator) is also a great lens. Mine can produce image quality right up there among my Canon "L" lenses. The non-Di model was also produced with a Nikon mount.

    If you have patience, they occasionally appear on eBay for between $100 and $200 U.S. Dollars. I purchased mine for $100 USD plus a few dollars for shipping. Here is one that is presently on eBay:

    However, I wound not consider the earlier f/2.5 Adapt-All Tamron Macro lens. This is a manual focus lens (no problem for macro shooting) that uses adapters for different lens bodies. However, the IQ is not as good as the later f/2.8 models.

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi Richard,
    I updated my profile. Please call me Dave or devoh. I live in NC USA. Thanks for the info. I am going to learn so much here, I can't wait!


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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi Dave. I have the Nikon 200f/4, Sigma 150f2.8, and a Nikon 60f2.8. Shooting bugs will require a longer lens, 150mm or more will work well. Lots of good advice here, mine would be to save a few more dollars and get a Sig 150/180. However, any of the major brand macro/micro lens will be good, not a slouch in the bunch........

  10. #10

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Dave, the majority of my photography is close up shots of insects for identification and I would say that getting the correct lens length is vital.

    Something around 100 mm or a little less will be fine for flowers and other stationary objects where you can get really close; and you can just about manage some of the larger, and tamer, insects like butterflies.

    150 mm is a good compromise for smaller insects, and will obviously also work for flowers, etc. Yes, you can occasionally sneak up on a sleepy insect with a smaller lens but you will find that the majority will fly away before you get an acceptable photo.

    I currently use a Sigma 180 mm (are they still available?) and wouldn't really like anything smaller; although 150 mm plus a 1.4x converter may be an alternative.

    It is true that the more magnification you have the more the risk of distortion but that is the only way to get consistent results with small live creatures.

    I originally started macro photography by attaching a 25 mm extension tube to a 70-300 lens which gave just about acceptable results but needed good light.

    A stable tripod is another essential. Eventually I decided that, as long as the shutter speed was fast enough, I didn't need a remote shutter release which speeded up my focusing time and actually gave me a greater success rate. Manual focusing is usually best and a reasonable shutter speed helps to reduce problems caused by subject movement or wind rock etc on outside shots.

    But I think that, unless you consider secondhand equipment, this may be stretching your budget a little bit.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 6th January 2011 at 07:37 PM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    I use a Kiron 105mm with the D7000 at the moment and sometimes (but it doesn't get so close) the 18-200mm. The disadvantage of the Kiron is the manual focus, but tbh with macro work that sometimes works better than AF. The Kiron is an old lens, I think I bought it in '85, but the quality is excellent. I never compared it but a lot of people on the internet claim that it is better than the Nikons.
    Anyway, this lens can be picked up for $200 or less if you are lucky, worth a thought.

  12. #12

    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Ernesto View Post
    Shooting bugs will require a longer lens.
    Sure it can help but is does not require most used macro lens is a 65mm and my long macro lens is a 90mm tilt/shift and some extension tubes. (I also have a 100mm and easy access to 180mm but prefer the shorter lenses for higher magnification or greater control over DoF)

    I'd happily recommend the Tamron 90mm macro to the OP. It's long enough for most things and hopefully within budget.

    You might just have to learn to be a bit sneakier with a shorter lens but I reckon that's just part of the fun

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hello everyone!
    I am a dentist and plan to buy a NIKON D7000 this month for work and research. I'll also need a dental-application lens to get clear and detailed photos, taken from a very short distance, you know. I want to have a NIKON lens, so can you give me suggestions? Thanks!

  14. #14
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000


    Welcome to the CiC forums.

    Now that's a question that would probably deserve a whole new thread. I did a quick hunt for you and it seems opinion is equally varied. Have a quick look at this discussion. Hope that will help you (and any body else!)

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Hi, Mark!
    I've just read your reply and let me tell you about an incredible coincidence: a few days ago I found a Medical-Nikkor 120mm f/4 on sale on the internet! I'd better hurry up to check whether it's still available. Again, thanks a lot! By the way, loved the pictures on your Photostream! Best wishes!

  16. #16

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Tamron produces excellent macro lenses. The present 90mm f/2.8 Tamron AF SP Di macro is a great lens, however its predecessor, the 90mm f/2.8 Tamron AF SP (no Di in that alphabet soup designator) is also a great lens.
    I also have the Tamron 90 and think it is a terrific lens. However, since the OP specifically mentioned that he wanted to shoot bugs, it may not be the best choice for him. The 90 has a VERY short working distance that may be problematic with critters that can move.

  17. #17

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Alter View Post
    Hello everyone!
    I am a dentist and plan to buy a NIKON D7000 this month for work and research. I'll also need a dental-application lens to get clear and detailed photos, taken from a very short distance, you know. I want to have a NIKON lens, so can you give me suggestions? Thanks!
    You can get the new Nikon 40mm F2.8 DX macro lens! Pricing is good as well.

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    Quote Originally Posted by Alter View Post
    Hello everyone!
    I am a dentist and plan to buy a NIKON D7000 this month for work and research. I'll also need a dental-application lens to get clear and detailed photos, taken from a very short distance, you know. I want to have a NIKON lens, so can you give me suggestions? Thanks!
    You can get the new Nikon 40mm F2.8 DX macro lens! Pricing is good as well.

  19. #19

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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    I bought the tOKINA 100mm 2.8 and I love it...also shoots full 100mm with a shift of a button.

  20. #20
    New Member boyet's Avatar
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    Re: Recommendations on macro lens for a Nikon D7000

    for me any nikon macro lens is good for you the tricky part is the lighting, if you can get good quality of ring flash for your lens much better.right now im still learning how maintained sharpness from anteriors to posteriors especially full mouth shot, lots of mirror involved.....Good luck! hope it helps. im a dental tech.:

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