This is a shot taken at Bell's Point, PEI. Canon T1i, 18-55 kit lens @18mm, f/11, 3s, ISO100, through a circular polarizing filter. The original was too dark, and I had to lighten it up quite a bit. In DPP I set the white balance, raised brightness and contrast, added a slight RGB tone curve, and raised the "sharpness" a bit. In the gimp I increased the intensity of the a/b channels and put a slight S-curve on the luminousity, as well as a slight curve on the image as a whole, and some local contrast enhancing using USM.
Unfortunately this has introduced noise in the image (particularly in the treeline) that I'm not sure how to avoid/eliminate (Noise reduction that I tried seemed to degrade the overall image quality more than it was worth it), and I feel the resultant image looks flat and lifeless. Did I go too far (or not far enough) with the processing? Is the original simply too dark to brighten up without significantly sacrificing image quality?
I'd also appreciate your opinions on the composition - does the composition of the original work, using the two trees to frame the image? Or is the foreground too "messy", and you prefer a crop something like #3?
Any other C & C is always appreciated.
#1 - camera original

#2 - processed

#3 - processed crop