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Thread: Everyday Images

  1. #1

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    Everyday Images

    Things we see in our own homes (or, in this case, my daughter's) and often miss the photographic quality of those commonalities.

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images

  2. #2
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    I think that's a good theme for a monthly challenge...5 minutes from home - make us look closely around us and just see what we can come up with - so great idea and I love the lighting through the venetians

  3. #3
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Actually if it's ok I'll join your thread....?
    as I went looking last evening at sunset for my friendly farmer doing the baling...but alas all finished, nice round bales everywhere just waiting to be picked instead I chose some sheep - this is 5 minutes 'drive' from home.
    There has been drought breaking rain this spring, not that it shows here...I wanted to try to represent the harsh colours/climate that we have an hour from a big city..

    Everyday Images

    Everyday Images
    Last edited by wilgk; 31st December 2010 at 02:34 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: Everyday Images

    I think we should make this an open thread for exactly as you've said: 5 Minutes or less from home, or at home. Color or B&W. I know I pigged out a bit, but let's limit the number per post to three images.

  5. #5
    Snarkbyte's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Chris, I really love the warm colors in #3 (though I do think the white in the upper mid-right could be toned down a bit). As I have no idea how to access EXIF data for these shots, or even if it's available, could you tell a little about how you got this shot, including EXIF and PP? I've read all the tutorials, so now I need to start asking lots of questions about how people get particular shots. Thanks for sharing; I do admire your work.

  6. #6
    Mario Xavier's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisC View Post
    I think we should make this an open thread for exactly as you've said: 5 Minutes or less from home, or at home. Color or B&W. I know I pigged out a bit, but let's limit the number per post to three images.
    I'd like to participate
    Fireface in the fireplace (Christmas Eve)
    Everyday Images
    Last edited by Mario Xavier; 31st December 2010 at 08:23 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Everyday Images

    Thanks for this one Chris. It was high time I want back to basics and had a break from playing about in the sandpit. I have enjoyed this bit of straight photography off the cuff for a change.


    Everyday Images

    Ironing board reflected in a microwave

    Everyday Images

    Ipod on flat weigh scales

    Everyday Images

  8. #8
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Can I play too?

    Everyday Images

    A flat slab of ice slid from the roof and landed perpendicular, this is one of the thin edges melting. I thought it was kind of interesting, but I'm not sure that I captured it well.

    Happy New Year....May your 2011 be filled with proper exposure (glasses clinking)

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Quote Originally Posted by djg05478 View Post
    Everyday Images

    ~ but I'm not sure that I captured it well.
    Hi Debbie,

    Nothing a little PP won't help with.

    Everyday Images

    Looked under exposed, so in Levels, white point set at 230 (down from 255)
    Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE) using USM; 20% 80px 0th.
    Sharpen with USM; 100%, 0.3px, 11px

    Hope that helps (and HNY to you too),

  10. #10
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Everyday Images

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Debbie,

    Nothing a little PP won't help with.

    Everyday Images

    Looked under exposed, so in Levels, white point set at 230 (down from 255)
    Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE) using USM; 20% 80px 0th.
    Sharpen with USM; 100%, 0.3px, 11px

    Hope that helps (and HNY to you too),
    Yes it does! Thanks for your help.

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