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Thread: Red Shoulder Hawk

  1. #1
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Red Shoulder Hawk

    Took another Photo on a Golf Course today. It is a Red Shoulder Hawk.

    Red Shoulder Hawk

    Red Shoulder Hawk

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  2. #2
    Snarkbyte's Avatar
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    Re: Red Shoulder Hawk

    Personally, I like #1 better, but only because it's a better angle on the bird. Photo #2 should be cropped at the bottom, imo; anything below the bird's tail feathers is just wasted space. There's too much of the red post visible, and it needs to be darkened and desatrurated a bit... I find myself looking at the post more than the bird. I don't know at what range #2 was taken, but you might have knelt, squatted, or sat down to get a cleaner background, as well - the muddy area is a bit of an eyesore.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Red Shoulder Hawk

    Hi Sam,

    I am envious of your access to these birds.

    In addtition to Al's comments, I would add that when posting a series (even just two) of the same subject, it helps to get the exposure on the subject the same in all shots.

    I appreciate that would have made the sunlit background brighter too, but I think #2 is a bit dim compared to #1 and there's room for some work there without taking the background 'over the top'.

    I like both angles on the bird though, a lovely creature.

    Hope that helps,

  4. #4
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: Red Shoulder Hawk

    Dave and AL,
    Thanks for the comments. I was in a hurry for both shots. I was worried that it would fly away before I could get close enough for decent shots and I was on golf course.
    My thought s on #2 was that the hawk was out in the open and not under cover which is unusual for them. Plus any movement would also scare it away.
    I will attempt to make the corrections, but my PP skills are not up to par yet. That is something I am learning.

    I hope all the best in the coming new year.
    Last edited by Sam Smith; 31st December 2010 at 11:16 AM. Reason: Spell check

  5. #5

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    Re: Red Shoulder Hawk


    (I haven't been into photography for too long - but I thought I'd just say what i think)
    I actually prefer #2, the red post is quite a striking feature compared to the rest of the picture which makes it interesting (it's an "unexpected" item, if that makes sense) -- though I do agree that a little can be cropped from the bottom
    Plus, in #1 the bird seems to facing away a little, and in #2 it peers off into the distance, almost posing

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